My little boy is smitten with the LOVE BUG!!! We have spent numerous hours talking about his decision to propose! Well here it is folks! Pet Talks first doggie Marriage Proposal (at least I think it's the first one)!

Dearz Mizzy! I love you!! Fromz the firzt time I laid eyez on you I knew you werz the one for me!! Meeting you at Ladyz birthday party waz the greatezt thing thatz ever happened to me! On thiz very specal day for loverz I was hoping you would agreez to be my wife and spendz the rest of our livzs together!! Dearz Mizzy, will you marryz me?

Thiz iz a cloze up of the ring I boughtz you. Zorry the picturez a little fuzzy. My momz was takin the pictzur and I thinkz she needz more work on her learning to take picturez!

I will be waiting for your reply!