My pet's name is Merle. She is a cat with pretty silver and black fur stripes. Merle is almost ten years old. I like her green eyes and her lovely face. She is very curious and wants to know everything we do.

She likes to go outside and catches mice and birds. I don't like it, but she is a cat and I know I can't change that about her. On the 20th of April is her birthday, each year she gets a piece of fish for her birthday treat! We all love Merle.
Hello, Merle in Germany! Happy Cat of the Day, and early Happy Birthday too!

What a lovely tabby lady you are! I see a heart shape in the curving lines on your chest and front legs, just as my friend tatsxxx11 does! I like the black stripes and spots on your grey coat, your lovely face and your eyes!

I smiled when I read that you are very curious and interested in everything your people do! You are sitting on the table in your photo with your tail neatly wrapped around your legs- maybe you are watching as your person works on a project, or being your beautiful self and posing for a photo! You go outside, where you are a huntress, catching a mouse or bird. Soon you will have a birthday, and celebrate with some delicious fish! Best of all, you are a loved kitty! PURRR-fect!

Happy, happy Cat of the Day to lovely Merle!