***Cuteness overload alert!*** Read on at the risk of having your heart melted!

What a beautiful, adorable, most precious, poofy fluff ball you are, Puppy! And so perfectly named, not only because of Poodle like looks, but your puppy-like devotion to your person as well!

That said, I cringed at the thought of you being a meal to anyone, anything. Thankfully your Mom came upon you at the Reptile show, rescuing you (and just in the nick of time!), scooping you up and providing you with the most loving home imaginable!

I had to rescue that poor little Puppy chicken! And I'm so happy to have saved her, she is a treasure. She is friendly, cute, and she brings immeasurable amounts of joy to my world! I hope you all enjoy her as much as I do!

Oh yes indeed, sweetheart, I certainly have enjoyed meeting you today, being treated to your over the moon, heart-melting photos, your Mom's heartwarming tribute to the joy of her life! How lucky your Mom is, having a beautiful, sweet as can be feathered family member and best friend in you, Puppy! The joy you bring to her life truly is a priceless gift! What a treasure you are, Puppy, simply the best! Just as your Mom says, Mother Nature broke the mold the day you were born!

She's definitely one of my favorite birds, and she's a little over three years old. And yes, she is as big as she's ever going to get! Yay to Mother Nature for creating such an adorable little animal

Thanks for starting my day off with the biggest smiles, Puppy!!! Meeting you today has been pure joy! I hope you enjoy a very special Pet of the Day celebration, spending special time with your family, being loved and pampered to pieces, treated to all your heart desires and more!!!

Be still my heart!!!

Those floofy footies!!! hehe