Hello all,
My kitty Franklin turned 14 today! Some of you may remember me and Franklin from back in the days of the kitty adventures.... Franklin’s claim to fame was playing the bagpipes while Sparkler danced..... so much cat-mobile fun!
For those that don’t know us, Franklin was diagnosed with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy way back in 2013. His vet didn’t expect him to live 6 months let alone all these years. He’s still taking his meds every day and is a big (16 lbs!) happy boy.
I like to post these updates in case there is someone else with a kitty with this illness and is in need of encouragement. I also want cat parents to seriously consider taking their kitties for a check up every year, not just when the kitty needs shots. I got lucky when it was diagnosed so early.
Anyway, just wanted to pop in and share Franklin’s b-day.....thanks!