This is Ettouffe, or Ettie for short. He is an American Shorthair, He is six months old and he lives with us here in North Carolina.

Ettie is a very special kitty because he is like no other cat out there. We were searching for a friend for our one-year-old cat, Andouille (Dewey), when I came across an add showing Ettie and his mother. She had been abandoned on a busy road here while pregnant. The man who took her in could not keep both of them because of strict apartment rules. When I went to see him it was love at first sight! He was frisky and playful, just perfect for us! When we brought him home he immediately took charge of the house. Dewey is so much happier now that Ettie is around and they are absolutely inseparable! The two act like brothers and partners in crime! Ettie has absolutely changed the spirit of our household.
Hello, Ettie in North Carolina and hello to Dewey too! Happy Cat of the Day!

What an adorable 6-month old kitten you are! I like your sweet grey and white face, your long whiskers and your green eyes! Your fur looks very soft and nice to pet - I would be glad to pet you! Since I can't, though, I hope your person will give you extra pets for me

Dewey, you were already home but you needed a buddy. Your person went to meet Ettie and it was love at first sight! Ettie, you were frisky and playful, and home you came! You have taken charge of the house Now you are inseparable partners in crime! (i see you two discovered the toilet tissue roll !) PURRR-fect!

Happy, happy Cat of the Day to Ettie, and love to Dewey too!