This is my first cat that is not rescued. I didn't notice before how wild cats from shelters or street are until now. He needs so much love. He doesn't want to eat alone, I have to be by his side. Even my boyfriend isn't enough. He plays with me every second when he can. I decide to get a Maine Coon because I have loved the breed for so many years.

I've always wanted a cat that will cuddle with me every second of my day. I got this. He is always sleeping on my arms or my face. He is so cute. He loves baths. He is happy with me and I see it in his face. He is so grateful.

He is so not independent, as I said, he needs me by his side every second. He loves to eat. His favorite food is Purina. His favorite game or toy are my fingers. He is indoor pet. He loves to sleep on trousers and hoodies. He want to play with my phone or with my computer wires. He is very clumsy and he fall everywhere. He always beg me for kisses. I already know that he will be very spoiled. I think that he will be alpha.
Hello, Leo in Slovenia! Happy Cat of the Day!

What an adorable kitten you are! I like your sweet face, your big kitten ears, and your fluffy fur! I would like to reach all the way to Slovenia to pet you-- since I can't, though, I hope your caring person will pet you for me. You are a sweet little guy!

You are a loyal kitty, too! You snuggle with your person, sleeping right on your person's arms or face! You need lots of love, and prefer to have your person by your side when you eat. You are very playful, having fun with your person's fingers and requesting kisses! You make things like your person's telephone or computer wires into toys- please be careful with those, sweetie. You sleep on your person's clothes, and you are a very affectionate kitty! Purrrr-fect!

Happy, happy Cat of the Day to dear Leo!