A beautiful longhair, looks a little Siberian like my late Sammy who passed at 21-1/2- may you go that far and longer!
If no one's told you yet- WARM the fluids (lactated Ringer's, usually, in our experience) in a sink full of warm water before administering sub-cu.- I've dealt with cats with renal failure and kept them happy and healthy for years with sub-cu. fluids- but if it's cold, right out of the refrigerator, look out! Especially with Siamese! Warmed, the cat just stretches out on my legs and gets scratched under the chin while the fluids are being administered and he or she is happy and calm- we've had renal-failure cats go 4-5 years like that, active and happy and healthy-

Best of luck and congrats to Isis on COTD!!!
