About 2am this morning, our Pumpkin came on the bed and woke me up, in obvious respiratory distress - I got him to the emergency vet's as quickly as possibe, they found high white count and some fluid around heart and lungs, possiby pneumonia, but he coded before they could stabilize him. He was only about 3 years old, just had his annual in March and was in perfect health- and yesterday afternoon he was rolling in my lap getting pets and purring like mad. Totally unfair- he was taken way too soon. Play hard at Rainbow Bridge Pumpkin- we're really gonna miss you.....the good Lord took a handsome, sweet, affectionate cat for some higher purpose...... if I can figure out how to do so, I'll try to post pics of him, he was the most brilliantly colored orangeman I've ever met, with tufted ears and a white spot on his chest.......
