Hello kitty friends, I don’t know if anyone remembers me, I haven’t been on PetTalk much since the Catmobile adventures ended... anyway, I just wanted let you all know my kitty Franklin is doing great! He has hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and is on twice daily meds. The vet said she has never seen a kitty with this condition live this long! I count every day as a blessing. He’s a happy cat. And his mom, Chelsea (Cat of the Day a bazillion years ago) is doing great too. After I shattered my elbow January 2015 she has taken on the role of “nurse” and is my constant companion....she is getting more persnickety as she gets older and routinely slaps Franklin just to let him know who’s boss even though he’s almost twice her size....lol
So that’s my update. It’s nice to see familiar names still active on this board..