Galaxy has been settling in quite well. Things seem to be going one step forward, two or three steps back.. (typical cat progress in training her person).

She's a real sweetie! She likes me to pet her around her head and down her sides. She lets me pick her up, but she doesn't stay for long. From time to time when I've been sitting on the couch reading, she's come over and stepped onto my lap, but she doesn't settle down or stay long.

A couple of days ago I was sitting on the couch meditating, when I felt a slight pressure next to me, and then a couple of points of pressure on my lap. I kept my eyes shut but reached over to where I estimated the height, and sure enough it was Galaxy. I kept on with it, watching my breathing and petting her. How's that for reaching a state of nirvana or something?!

Next step is to get so I can pick her up and put her in a carrier. It looks like she's due for getting her vaccinations updated, so I'll need to take her to the vet's. Do any of you you have any suggestions for how best to get her into the carrier?

I have some photos but can't seem to insert them. Karen, if I send them to you, would you please post them for me? Thanks!