The past few months, Miss Kitty had this on-and-off cough, very subtle. It would go away for a few weeks and then come back. Her lungs sounded always clear, so she got the occasional antibiotic.
Two day ago, it came back, and Miss Kitty looked a little weak and a little off. The vet looked at her, lungs still sounded clear, but she ordered x-rays.
As soon as I saw the images, I noticed a spot in one of her lungfields that was not supposed to be there! The vet compared them to x-rays taken in February, and it wasn't there then!
There are only two possibilities: the better one is some infection, the other one is a mass.
Miss Kitty got an antibiotic injection in the hope that it is infectious.
We will repeat the x-rays in one month, and, hopefully, the spot will be gone.
I did not want to end the year with news like that, but I want to stay positive.