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Thread: Willy had a vet appt today and 00

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Methuen, MA; USA

    Willy had a vet appt today and 00

    Willy has been showing his age. Almost blind, and what I think is dementia. So 2 days back I called and got him an appointment for this afternoon. I needed help w/ his chronic eye issues, perhaps a medication change, get a senior blood panel done, and just a review on a few things.

    This morning I started the dogs' grooming, Willy was up first. As usual, he tried to bite me; I moved my hand out of the way and escaped that bite, whew! HOWEVER, Willy did grab on to his own front leg. And he bit down HARD, as he always does during a grooming session. Seeing as that hurt, he started to howl and bit harder! It seemed this went on for ages, but was more like 15 to 20 seconds. With him screaming the entire time. The other dogs, and the cats, all started dashing about trying to get out, get hidden, get to him, etc. Pandemonium.

    Once things calmed down, Willy had given himself a grand bite, the leg was bleeding front and back, and just hanging limply. He did not put any weight on it. And of course, now there was no way I was allowed to touch the leg, deal with the blood etc. Somehow I got him and the other dogs outside; cleaned up the kitchen; called in to the vet office to let them know there was another issue. I got the dogs in, went and got myself ready to go. And discovered Willy was sound asleep. Hmm. Called him, nothing. Moved his bed, nothing. In the end I had to carry him out to the car. Now I was really worried, something big was wrong, all wrong.

    Long story short, Willy has Lyme disease (this is the 3rd time, for him). The trauma of the bite triggered symptoms. He had a temperature of 103.6 at the vet, and was completely out of it. (normal dog temp is 101.3, per vet. Yes I find different online, that is what the vet told me.) They cleaned up his bites, and the doxycyline he needs for the Lyme will also help those heal. Several changes to his eye medications, as he has an ulcer on one eye. And we did a geriatric (blood plus urine). He should feel better in about 48 hours, once the doxy kicks in.

    Seems it is always something lately. At least in a few days he will be fine, most likely better than he has been for some time. The leg will heal, the vet didn't feel there was any permanent damage.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
    Good grief! I'm so glad the vet was able to get things under control and doing better.

    I'm sending along loads of love and good wishes and warm healing energies for dear Willy, and for you too, Sandie, and all the crew!

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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by phesina View Post
    Good grief! I'm so glad the vet was able to get things under control and doing better.

    I'm sending along loads of love and good wishes and warm healing energies for dear Willy, and for you too, Sandie, and all the crew!

    Me too!

    All things work together for good to them that love God.
    (Romans 8:28)

    I've been defrosted-- Thanks, Sana

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2017
    USA, previously Europe
    I'm so sorry about the ordeal that Willy, you and everybody else had to go through. How old is Willy? I hope that his bloodpanel will be ok.
    Normal doggie temp ranges from 100.0 to 102.5. So he definitely had a fever.
    Best wishes for a smooth recovery, dear Willy.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Methuen, MA; USA
    Thank you Phesina, Pat and Cats4ever.

    Willy turned age 14 on Sept 5. Seems most of what I thought was blindness and dementia stem from the Lyme and the eye infection. He is still limping. He definitely feels and looks better this morning; still sleeping most of the time. That is what his body needs just now; all energy focused on healing.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Illinois, USA
    Quote Originally Posted by phesina View Post
    Good grief! I'm so glad the vet was able to get things under control and doing better.

    I'm sending along loads of love and good wishes and warm healing energies for dear Willy, and for you too, Sandie, and all the crew!

    I am, too!
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  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Best wishes to Willy and to you, he is lucky to have such a loving and caring Mum, what a day!

  8. Yikes! made me flash back to when i was trying to groom Kirby once he went blind if he got confused he got snappy; but luckily he didnt bite me or himself though an that was scary enough as it was!

    bless you an your fuzzbucket
    sending lots of good vibes for a speedy recovery

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Methuen, MA; USA

    Willy is back to his usual self. I really question if he has Lyme again. Everything started w/ that bite. And a dog CAN infect itself biting, which I did not know.

    Anyway, he is doing well. Slight limp still, to be expected. He is using the leg and putting weight on it.


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