cats4ever, I can empathize with you. One cat stabilizes and then another gets sick.

It's the long weekend and Oscar got blocked. I took him to a NW emergency vet. It wasn't very busy but once I said I thought he was blocked they took him in to an examining room immediately for triage. He has to stay for several days.

I got a call from the vet just after I got home. Oscar did really well. They cleared the blockage and his blood pressure came back down to normal. He'll have an indwelling catheter meanwhile and will be on IV fluids. Once he can pee on his own he can come home.

The price is between $2500 - $3500 but they have financing there which is interest-free for 6 months and it was set up immediately.

I'll miss him wanting to snuggle up under the covers but he'll be home soon.