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Thread: Marvellous Molly

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Copenhagen, Denmark - GMT+1

    Marvellous Molly

    Congratulations on being honoured as Cat of the Day, Molly!

    What an pretty Calico girl you are!! You have such beautiful markings on your coat and it looks so soft and shiny - and look at that cute pink nose with the black dot, and your beautiful green eyes.

    How lucky that you were discovered and taken to a loving home, being loved and fed. You must have been so scared and hungry out there.

    You loved your new environment and immediately explored and sniffed a few things, and then found a bed and curled up between two warm bodies, finally feeling safe.

    I can tell you are loved very much, and you have grown into a beautiful girl.

    Have fun and celebrate your special day with yummy treats, fun and lots of love. I wish you many more happy and healthy years, sweetie!


    "I don't know which weapons will be used in the third World war, but in the fourth, it will be sticks and stones" --- Albert Einstein.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
    Dearest Molly, what an adorable young lady you are! That Calico fur is beautifully colored and looks so very soft. And what a sweet face you have, with that cute pink and grey nose and the lovely big green eyes, and your little pink tongue just barely sticking out in the one picture. Thank you for sharing all those great photos with us! You are gorgeous in each one. I wish I could reach through the screen and down to Bellevue, KY to pet you! I can't, of course, but I know your loving and beloved Purrrents will pet you for me .

    And what a good story you have to tell! You were rescued after being abandoned when you were a tiny kitten, and we thank your dear rescuer (your new Auntie!) for saving you. You wound up at your rescuer's sister's home, where you made yourself at home right away! You sniffed a few things, found the bed, then fell fast asleep curled up between two warm bodies. You and your dear Purrrents all love each other very much, don't you. What a wonderful love-filled home you share!

    Congratulations, darling Molly, on being chosen today's Cat of the Day! We hope you and all your family and friends are enjoying a fine celebration, full of fun and lovies and all your favorite games and treats.

    Last edited by phesina; 07-21-2017 at 06:36 PM.
    I meant," said Ipslore bitterly, "what is there in this world that truly makes living worthwhile?"
    Death thought about it.
    CATS, he said eventually. CATS ARE NICE.

    -- Terry Pratchett (1948—2015), Sourcery

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Illinois, USA

    Pretty Calico Molly!

    Hello, Molly! What a lovely calico girl you are! Your fur looks so soft to pet, I hope your people will give you some extra petting for me to celebrate your special day!

    You were found as a tiny kitten, and you have grown up safe and loved! You felt comfortable in your new environment, did some exploring and quickly fell asleep! Now you enjoy cat naps, looking out the window at all that's going on, and being beautiful! Purr-fect!

    Happy, happy Cat of the Day to sweet calico Molly!
    Praying for peace in the Middle East, Ukraine, and around the world.

    I've been Boo'd ... right off the stage!

    Aaahh, I have been defrosted! Thank you, Bonny and Asiel!
    Brrrr, I've been Frosted! Thank you, Asiel and Pomtzu!

    "That's the power of kittens (and puppies too, of course): They can reduce us to quivering masses of Jell-O in about two seconds flat and make us like it. Good thing they don't have opposable thumbs or they'd surely have taken over the world by now." -- Paul Lukas

    "We consume our tomorrows fretting about our yesterdays." -- Persius, first century Roman poet

    Cassie's Catster page:

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2000

    Beautiful Molly!

    Good evening, Molly! Happy Cat of the Day to you, from me and my kitty Molly, too

    I broke out in the BIGGEST smile, the moment I laid eyes on your feature (top) Cat of the Day photo! How beautiful, how precious, how expressive are YOU! Thanks to you, I'll head off to bed tonight with a warm heart!

    An unexpected, serendiptious blessing, that you are, Molly! We can all relate to your human's belief that after the passing of your beloved predecessor, she/he could never love another, open up her heart and home to another, ever again. But being the animal/kitty lovers that we are, so often fate will have its way, and so it was for you and your forever humans! And from the moment you stepped paw into your human's home (thanks to your Auntie!!!), you knew there, with this family, was where you belonged, making yourself at home in record time! What a happy new beginning for you and your humans, so many years of shared love and friendship to look forward to! You truly are a treasure, Molly, beautiful inside and out, and so very deserving of your big day of honor!

    Thanks for ending my day with a BIG smile, sweet baby girl! Reading of the love your humans hold in their hearts for you, seeing all of your heart-melting photos, has made my evening! I hope you're in the midst of a very special day of celebration, being love and pampered to pieces, treated to all your heart desires and more! Lots of love, snuggles and smooches to you, precious Molly, our very special and most deserving Cat of the Day, EVERY day!!!

    Be still my heart!

    Star,Tigg'r , Mollie and the10 Gallon Gang!

    And my Rainbow Bridge Furangels...Jingles, Cody, Fritz, Chessa, Satin, Buddy, Lizzie, Oliver, Squeaker, Moonbeam, Rosie, Ruby~

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2017
    USA, previously Europe
    Dear Molly, what a beautiful Calico girl you are. You got the sweetest face, and you look so soft.
    I'm so glad that you got rescued, and you made yourself right at home. Right away, you found the best spot in the house, your parents' bed. You filled a void in their hearts, after their last kitty passed away.
    This is the power and magic of cats.
    Molly, you are an adorable girl, and I wish you and your family a great day full of celebration and many more happy and healthy years together.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    Blog Entries
    Sending all our love and best wishes to beautiful Molly! Precious and lovely COTD!!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    What a beautiful Calico Molly is.
    After Molly was rescued, and knew She was in her forever home, she made herself right at home!
    Congrats on being today's Cat of the Day!

    All things work together for good to them that love God.
    (Romans 8:28)

    I've been defrosted-- Thanks, Sana

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