Hi everyone! This is my first post on here but I have been curious about it recently and everyone I seem to ask seems to have a bit of a different answer. I have a 9 month old yellow lab and an 8 month old schnauzer mix. I live in Houston Texas, so it gets pretty warm outside during the day but nothing about 100. I work 8 hours a day and leave them outside, the lab is on a stationary cable that goes in about a 20 foot wide radius because he tends to dig and climb the fence I leave them outside when I work, or I have been recently, because I cannot leave them inside for they will chew everything precious that I have in my house to bits. I have a neighbor that comes to walk the dogs once a day while I am gone, and outside they have 4 bowls of water (Which the neighbor refills about halfway through the work day) and plenty of shade and tennis balls. I was wondering if anyone on here had any knowledge on it being ok to leave these dogs outside for 8 hours a day in mid 90 degree heat!