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Thread: Leaving Dog Outside At Work!

  1. #1

    Leaving Dog Outside At Work!

    Hi everyone! This is my first post on here but I have been curious about it recently and everyone I seem to ask seems to have a bit of a different answer. I have a 9 month old yellow lab and an 8 month old schnauzer mix. I live in Houston Texas, so it gets pretty warm outside during the day but nothing about 100. I work 8 hours a day and leave them outside, the lab is on a stationary cable that goes in about a 20 foot wide radius because he tends to dig and climb the fence I leave them outside when I work, or I have been recently, because I cannot leave them inside for they will chew everything precious that I have in my house to bits. I have a neighbor that comes to walk the dogs once a day while I am gone, and outside they have 4 bowls of water (Which the neighbor refills about halfway through the work day) and plenty of shade and tennis balls. I was wondering if anyone on here had any knowledge on it being ok to leave these dogs outside for 8 hours a day in mid 90 degree heat!

  2. I dont know to be honest. theres more factors to consider than just the weather. what about wild animals an random people? we had a doberman that was shot in the neck by some random prick going down the road on our own property; an over the years have seen a cougar a bear an a bobcat stroll right on through our yard. maybe better to crate your dogs in the house to save your many precious things from being chewed on an have your neighbor come by an take the dogs out for a walk/potty break an then back in the crates till you arrive home if youre worried about them having accidents in their crates.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    I don't know for sure either. I have no ornaments or anything breakable, all put away since I got the recent cat. She tried to break everything. No signs of quitting and it's been a year. We don't care. My cuz has a cat and a Pitt bull, no way he'd leave the dog outside, simply because of well said " random pricks, some peeps are not right in the head. As long as there is shade I would think that you will figure it out, you sound like a caring parent! Good luck

  4. #4
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    They are still very young, babies really. I am not quite sure why you would even adopt them and then leave them outside. Just sayin' .

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    It is not ideal, though you have made a lot of accommodations. They are likely just apt to destroy things out of boredom, as they are both still very much puppies! They could use a lot more activity and getting used to things - is there a doggie daycare near you? Might they be able to go there at least a couple times a week? Or do you know anyone who is home during the day they could stay with?
    I've Been Frosted

  6. #6
    If they are destructive inside then they are bored. Find more toys they can play with while you are gone. I used to keep my dog in the basement when I wasn't home with a large section penned off with xpens so she had room to move around and play but not destroy anything. They need lots to do and probably a lot more exercise. My labby would get lots of offleash play time til exhausted and would sleep for most of the day. Maybe try a long walk before work and have your neighbor walk them again later in the afternoon. I leave my dog alone for 8 hours now while I work and she doesn't destroy anything, it just takes time and training and don't set them up to fail. (penned off area if you want to start to train them to be alone inside where they can't get into trouble). I first let my girl out by herself she ripped up a chair so she was left back in the pen when I was out for a while longer and tried again.

    Clover, Loki, Shadow, Pixel and Kyo

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    It seems you are doing everything right, however, it isn't really ideal. My friend who lives in Texas has a ranch and her dog literally lives outside, but he's a working dog. I would say if your neighbor comes to refill their water bowls could he/she not walk them for you or let them out for you? I would suggest gating an area of your house off instead of crating them.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    You might consider taking your dog to 'work'?
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    Divided we fall.

    I laugh, therefore? I am.

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  9. #9
    Dogs that are left alone outside for hours can become a nuisance to neighbours because of barking and whining out of boredom.

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