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Thread: Dog dental questions

  1. Dog dental questions

    This is something im a noob at as my bridge dogs always chewed their bones/toys to the point they kept their teeth clean on their own. while Pixie has her moments of where she'll love to chew on some days but not so much on some other days(she'll chew her bone for only a few minutes than leave it) im noticing a tiny slight bit of yellowing forming on her back molar teeth an i would like to nip that in the bud now while its in the very beginning stages if i can.

    would getting a dog toothbrush an brushing her teeth with water straight from the facet do just as well as a dog dental sprays; wipes an tooth pastes out there? as there is a mind numbing amount of dog dental products its scary trying to figure out what ones are truly safe an what ones arent.

    whats your suggestions an experiences in the matters of dog dental maintenance/care?

  2. #2

    Ask the vet

    I have a Bichon maltese, any doubt I ask the vet. It is the best.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Definitely a toothbrushing routine would help. I am sure others have opinions on which toothpaste is best!
    I've Been Frosted

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Methuen, MA; USA
    Using the brush and just water is the first step in getting the dog used to having teeth brushed; so it can't hurt. You can then see if you are making progress, or need to step up a bit.

    A slice of raw sweet potato also helps keep teeth clean.

    I know you can't use human toothpaste, it must be toothpaste made specifically for dogs. And it comes in flavors - beef, salmon, etc. Other than that, I don't know much about it.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Blog Entries
    Go to your vet to ask advice , what is the tooth paste for your dog.


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