Here is another topic for Personal Responsibility in the 21st......

Mom was a very pragmatic woman and she gave me and my sibs some pretty cut and dry advice for Personal Responsibility....or PR21?

Mom gave us some 'rules' for being criminals.

Yep, she gave us some thoughts on breaking the law....

1) If you do go out and commit a crime, do it by yourself. Your buddies will rat you out if they are caught.
2) If you do get caught, keep your mouth shut. She'd quote a lawyer she knew, "Mr. Lake said, your mouth will get you in trouble".
3) Do not call me if you get into trouble, Call your friends.
4) You will find out who your friends are when that happens....
5) If you hang out where there is something shady going on - and you know about this or have a hand in it - DO NOT CRY OR BIATCH, TAKE IT LIKE A MAN.
6) IF you are caught, stop and remember, "QUIEN TE MANDO" - WHO SENT YOU? This was her little bit of advice to take BEFORE you got caught up in breaking the law, Remember who the person is that put you in that position.
7) There was a time when she believed that all cops were good people and most are...but there are a few knuckleheads out there - as there are in every job class?

Momma M didn't advocate going out and committing crimes, her 'advice' was merely a blueprint on how stupid you can be, with and without your friends - most of the time on your own??

The last rule? About cops?

I ALWAYS have a good hearty laugh when I hear parents talk about 'having the talk' regarding how to act when a police officer pulls you over?

Here is the deal.

When a cop pulls you over, don't treat them as a friend or an enemy. This is more like a 'transaction". How it turns out will mainly hinge on how you act when that cop first walks up to you. IF you have done something stupid, be polite and take your lumps.

I learned that the more you push back, the more harder you will get pushed back. If you act like an AH, chances are you are going to get treated like an AH.


I laughed - I know probably NOT the right kind of reaction to have - when I heard the latest 'racist beatdown of a college kid'.

I don't know the exact details of the beatdown - I did get the laughable presser with his attorney.

He is a good student, known and popular?

Here is a guy who decided - at the underage of 20 - to go to an area where there are bars and gets into a conversation with a bar bouncer. I get the idea that he wasn't passing out bible tracts or trying to preach temperance to the crowd?

Obviously, he isn't going to be admitting into an establishment serving alcohol - it is March Madness and I am sure a few college kids are going to be out looking for a buzz and a TV to watch the game? It's not as much fun watching it in the dorm with your other underage buddies?

He meets up with a few ABC officers and ends up on the ground with a bleeding head.

Now, just because he is a black kid, it's a case of racism.

NOT A CASE OF A STUPID COLLEGE KID out looking for a buzz and getting jammed up for being stupid.

It's a case of a black man who's civil rights were violated because he is black - no mention of how or why his actions led up to his interaction with those ABC cops?

These days your own personal responsibility is left out of HOW YOU END UP on the ground, outside of a bar with a bleeding head. You did nothing and just so happened to be walking down the street and got punked because two ABC cops didn't like the way you looked?

Granted, no one deserves to have their head split open in a fight, but when you have a hand in how it happens and end up blaming it on your looks rather than accepting responsibility for YOUR part of the incident?

You do not have too much in the way of 'PR21'...