I was intending to post this in the 'Random Announcements' thread, but following a quick search realised that the thread was last active in 2011... which is startlingly reflective of how frequently I've visited since starting university.

So, my 'random announcement', whilst I'm here, is that I'm about to embark on the final stage of my veterinary degree. I've completed (effectively) all of my knowledge-based learning, and it's time to put it to the test by working in supervised practice for the next year and a half. I had found the last year or so of lecture-upon-lecture rather trying, I'll admit. The pressure became so overpowering at times that I effectively forgot that it was also a year that saw me perform my first solo surgeries on placement, and find out what really makes me tick as a veterinary surgeon.

With the long haul of the academic side of studies drawing to a close, I have high hopes for the next 18 months. It will see a stint working at two of the most prominent farm animal practices in the UK, a chance to work with vets at London and Whipsnade Zoos, and an ever increasing amount of time working in charity organisations, which has long since been dear to me.

As well Dogs Trust, PDSA, and the RSPCA (two sites - one cats, one native wildlife) on home soil, I'll also be off to the Cook Islands later this year to volunteer with an inspiring practice that primarily promotes welfare for island strays.

I was three years of age when I decided that I wanted to be a vet. It's either determination or stubbornness that's been pushing me to July 2016 ever since. Now, my first job as 'Zara, MRCVS' is both frustratingly far away and terrifyingly imminent.

If you'll have me, I'd like to try a little harder this year to post updates on what I'm getting up to. It's nigh on a decade since I popped up in this place, rabbiting on about my quest for vetdom. I'd hate to spare you a commentary on the final furlong.