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Thread: Flavor Poll

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA

    Flavor Poll

    Just curious, as Peppermint seems to be something people either love or hate!

    How do you feel about peppermint-flavored things?

    Just okay at Christmas? Prefer cinnamon? Hate it no matter the season?

    Are there flavors that most people like that you despise?
    I've Been Frosted

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
    I like it okay any time of the year, but I wouldn't go out of my way to get some.
    I meant," said Ipslore bitterly, "what is there in this world that truly makes living worthwhile?"
    Death thought about it.
    CATS, he said eventually. CATS ARE NICE.

    -- Terry Pratchett (1948—2015), Sourcery

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Illinois, USA
    I like it! I like mint chocolate chip ice cream ... a splash of peppermint schnapps in hot chocolate ... York peppermint patties ... yes to peppermint for me!

    Most of my family doesn't like black jelly beans, but I do. I'm not as big a fan of pumpkin (for example, pumpkin spice latte) as others.
    Praying for peace in the Middle East, Ukraine, and around the world.

    I've been Boo'd ... right off the stage!

    Aaahh, I have been defrosted! Thank you, Bonny and Asiel!
    Brrrr, I've been Frosted! Thank you, Asiel and Pomtzu!

    "That's the power of kittens (and puppies too, of course): They can reduce us to quivering masses of Jell-O in about two seconds flat and make us like it. Good thing they don't have opposable thumbs or they'd surely have taken over the world by now." -- Paul Lukas

    "We consume our tomorrows fretting about our yesterdays." -- Persius, first century Roman poet

    Cassie's Catster page:

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    There are the Hershey chocolate peppermint candy canes that are good. There is a chocolate peppermint bar I make year round for special occasions or hosting some groups I belong to. Peppermint creamer is good in the coffee. I guess I do like peppermint in almost any thing any time of year. It also seems to sooth the stomach.
    The frost is on the pumpkin & I've been BOO'D by two pet talk ghosts.
    Thank you Fritz & Cassiesmom

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Delaware, USA - The First State/Diamond State - home of The Blue Hens
    I like it for the most part - candy canes or hard candy peppermints - good for soothing an upset tummy. Among other favorite varieties - peppermint patties, thin mint (Girl Scout) cookies, meltaway after dinner mints. Don't care for mint in ice cream or mint in drinks tho. HATE mint jelly -NASTY!

    Most hated flavor that most people love - TEA. Even the smell of it in any form makes my tummy do flip-flops. The SMELL of hot tea is the worst - don't know how people can actually swallow it.
    Wolfy ~ Fuzzbutt #3
    My little dog ~ a heartbeat at my feet

    Sparky the Fuzzbutt - PT's DOTD 8/3/2010
    RIP 2/28/1999~10/9/2012
    Myndi the Fuzzbutt - Mom's DOTD - Everyday
    RIP 1/24/1996~8/9/2013
    Ellie - Mom to the Fuzzbuttz

    To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.
    Ecclesiastes 3:1
    The clock of life is wound but once and no man has the power
    To know just when the hands will stop - on what day, or what hour.
    Now is the only time you have, so live it with a will -
    Don't wait until tomorrow - the hands may then be still.
    ~~~~true author unknown~~~~

  6. #6
    Peppermint is good anytime of year!
    Forever in my heart...

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Quote Originally Posted by pomtzu View Post
    Most hated flavor that most people love - TEA. Even the smell of it in any form makes my tummy do flip-flops. The SMELL of hot tea is the worst - don't know how people can actually swallow it.
    Did you have some childhood incident where you were force-fed tea or something? Just curious! That turned out to be why my brother-in-law hated coffee - when he was a kid he ate something he shouldn't have, I don;t remember what, so they force-fed him burned toast and black coffee until he threw up whatever it was! It wasn't until discussing it years later that he made the connection, and realized why he only likes ihis toast very very lightly toasted!
    I've Been Frosted

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Litter Box, Greenville, SC
    Quote Originally Posted by Karen View Post
    Just curious, as Peppermint seems to be something people either love or hate!

    How do you feel about peppermint-flavored things?

    Just okay at Christmas? Prefer cinnamon? Hate it no matter the season?

    Are there flavors that most people like that you despise?
    I love mint flavors and cinnamon flavors. I prefer the flavoring to be mild rather than intense.

    I love tea, the actual tea plant, but I am allergic, so I can only drink herbal teas, aka infusions.

    I love the smell of coffee beans, esp cold, and when it is brewing. but I think we overcook it. It tastes horrible.

    I have an emotional aversion to oatmeal, esp in cookies. I like oatmeal as a cereal, but not in baking. When I was a teenager I was baking some chocolate chip cookies for my friends and myself. My mother in one of her cruel moments, interrupted me, and substituted a cup of oatmeal for a cup of flour. I supposed the cookies were okay if you wanted oatmeal cookies, but that's not what we wanted. I haven't eaten an oatmeal cookie to this day.
    I'm not a fan of butterscotch.
    Meowmie to Lucy Lou and Barney, and Aunt to Timmy (RIP)

    Former kitties now in foster care: Nellie aka Eleanor van Fluffytail (at a Cat Cafe), Lady Jane Grey, Bob the Bobtail, and Callie. Kimi has been adopted into another family that understands Siamese. HRH Oliver Woodrow von Katz is in a Sanctuary.

    I'm Homeless, but with resources, and learning to live again.

    RIP Timmy (nephew kitty) May 17, 2018, Mr. Spunky (May 10, 2017), Samwise (Dec 2, 2014), Emily (Oct 8, 2013), Rose (Sept 24, 2001), Maggie (Fall 2003)

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    At university in Hertfordshire, UK
    Mint I can only really abide in drinks, or in a savoury sense, such as in a sauce. Moroccan mint tea and mojitos are heavenly. I can just about manage a peppermint chocolate after a meal, but wouldn't choose to eat several in one sitting!

    When I was younger, I couldn't stand cinnamon. It was how I imagined powdered trees would taste (I know it is actually tree bark!). Now I don't mind it, possibly as a result of using cinnamon sticks in Asian and North African recipes once I started to cook for myself. I still wouldn't choose a cinnamon doughnut over, say, a chocolate one, but I have become a lot less fussy about it in recent years.

    I like spicy and Oriental flavours, or anything salty, like feta cheese and capers. I could eat a diet consisting exclusively of olives and vegetarian antipasti for the rest of my life and be perfectly happy.

    Zimbabwe 07/13


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