So, last month I started this thread about moving our kitty's litterbox here:
And I felt like giving an update. I loved the idea of moving it gradually, and that was the *plan*. However, sickness happened. My two daughters spent eight days with the flu, and moving litterboxes didn't happen. And then, my best friend came to visit, and it was crunch time. I HAD to move the litterbox...she has a one year old that is scooting everywhere, and the litterbox was right out the doorway where she was going to be sleeping. So, we moved the litterbox to our huge walk-in bedroom closet, and then for 24 hours we didn't let Maisy leave our bedroom so that she wouldn't get confused about where the box was. And it worked! She hasn't had a litterbox accident, and the box is in a new location and its working. Yippee!!

So, I am just wondering, in what room do you keep the litterbox(es)? Our house is big enough, but it just doesn't seem to be an ideal spot for it. We have one bathroom that would be big enough, but hubby doesn't want to deal with stepping in litter crumbs after getting out of the shower (i can understand that). Everywhere else is carpeted. Kitchen/diningroom and bedrooms are not ideal either because of the smell. I was just wondering what other people do. haha