Oh, Monty, I knew the moment I saw your picture you were a very special kitty. You did not ask to be born with those chromosomal abnormalities, but none one does, and sometimes cruel people make fun of kitties or children who are born different than they are. We are glad your new people knew what a great cat you could be, and love you to pieces, even with your problems! I sneeze sometimes, too, even though I have a nasal bone, and you folks are trying to convince you your bladder accidents are not your fault. They are right, so don't feel badly about them, sweetheart! Maybe your mom could make you some kitty diapers for when you are sleeping, but it is nice that she loves you just as you are, and they understand! You are adorable, and we hope many people can take some inspiration from your message. We hope you have a great day today, and a long healthy-as-can be life!

Different can be Fabulous, just as you are!