Happy 13th Gotcha Day, Mr Spunky. You are a trial at times, but also my greatest treasure. I would love to have 13 more years with you.

History: Spunky was in the bottom of a rescue cage in a store that sold bird, reptiles, etc. He shared it with an older kitten. I had cuddled him, and put him back. He was screaming at the top of his lungs, "get me out of here", and climbed his 9 oz self to the top of the cage.

He was 9.6 oz at 6 weeks, which was two days later at the vet! So he went home with me and got fattened up. Being so teeny, I'm surprised he grew as much as he did.

Join me in wishing The Spunkmeister a Happy Gotcha Day. He gets fish tonight, and the others get to celebrate with him.