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Thread: It's been a long time, I know......Update #23; 9/18

  1. #1

    It's been a long time, I know......Update #23; 9/18

    Even The Boy asked me why I haven't posted on Facebook, etc. So it isn't that I'm ignoring PT. It's just life, y'know? Anyhow, I'm going to be selfish and ask for prayers for my CH girl Creamsicle.

    The Boy and I will be leaving on Sunday for a two week vacation in Italy. I took Creamy and Coco in for their allergy shots so that my catsitter won't have to give them meds. I asked Dr. Lee to check Creamy's leg b/c she's been limping for months. I took her in right away, as soon as I noticed it a few months ago, and Dr. Lee checked her out and said that he thought she may have some arthritis. Today he showed me her xrays and her rear legs have degenerative arthritis. I can handle that; I'll just give her meds or glucosamine or whatever makes her comfortable. However, that isn't what has me worried.

    He took an xray of her chest (Dr. Lee and his instincts again); he showed them to me and her lungs are filled w/white spots. He said that they should look black and he pointed out so many spots that we lost count. He told me that it could be bacterial or cancer. He said that he just doesn't like how the xrays looked, so he sent them to a radiologist. He'll call me probably tomorrow to tell me what the radiologist said. If he has to take a biopsy, I'll ask him if I would be doing her any harm if it could wait until we get back from Italy. We bought the insurance just in case something like this would arise and we'd have to cancel our trip. We'd lose our deposit but so be it. If it's urgent that the biopsy be done right now, I'll cancel the trip b/c I want to be w/her every second. As you may recall, she's also deaf and partially blind so she's really been dealt a raw hand. But she's 13 now and I guess I can expect more of this type of event as time goes on. But she's eating, drinking, using the litter box and seems as happy as can be except for her arthritis.

    So I'm asking for PT prayers that 1) the biopsy can wait and 2) that the spots are not cancer. Creamy is the sweetest and most lovable cat. Everyone loves her. I hope that you can forgive me for not posting for quite some time. Several jaw surgeries over the last 1 1/2 years and The Boy w/back issues that landed him in the hospital for a brief stay are just a couple of the things that have kept me up at night. Add to the mix the problems that my friends have come to me for guidance and advice and time just got away from me.

    I will update as soon as I hear anything. I'm trying to get everything done that I can so that I can get packed and pick up The Boy at the airport. Boy, this is going to put a damper on the trip if we do go. I was nervous about it anyhow b/c I've never left The Fur Posse for such a long time. I so love that little girl and it makes my heart sore to think that she could be gone from me.
    Last edited by Medusa; 09-18-2014 at 08:57 AM.

    "Time and unforeseen occurrence befall us all." Ecclesiastes 9:11

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Calgary, Alberta, Canada
    Sending prayers for Creamsicle!! Along with love and healing energies. Cali and Diego send purrrs.
    Gayle - self proclaimed Queen of Poop
    Mommy to: Cali (14 year old kitten)
    (RB furbabies: Rascal RB 10/11/03 (ferret), Sami RB 24/02/04 (dog), Trouble RB 10/08/05 (ferret), Miko RB 20/01/06 (ferret) and Sebastian RB 12/12/06(ferret), Sasha RB 17/10/09 (border collie cross), Diego RB 04/12/21

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Prayers on the way for Creamsicle girl! We miss you - do update us as soon as you know anything!
    I've Been Frosted

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Alberta, Canada
    Prayers for sweet Creamsicle and for you!
    "Do or do not. There is no try." -- Yoda

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
    We are sending prayers and healing energies and warm thoughts and love to you all.

    I meant," said Ipslore bitterly, "what is there in this world that truly makes living worthwhile?"
    Death thought about it.
    CATS, he said eventually. CATS ARE NICE.

    -- Terry Pratchett (1948—2015), Sourcery

  6. #6
    Prayers coming your way.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Methuen, MA; USA
    Good to hear from you, Mary! And a 2 week trip to Italy is so exciting!

    One more thing to ask the vet. If the biopsy comes back positive (or bad), then what? This may also help you decide if the biopsy can wait.

    Prayers from RI for sweet Creamsicle, she has done well with you. And she will continue to do well, you always look out for her. I was surprised to learn she is 13 years of age. I do see that no matter what, this will be on your mind on the trip (assuming you do go). I'm sorry about that.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Ellicott City MD
    Prayers for Creamsicle!

    ​GO RAVENS!!

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Blog Entries
    Lots of prayers and loving thoughts for Creamsicle!

  10. #10
    Dr. Lee called me early this morning and I began an update but somehow it disappeared. The radiologist told him that it could be a number of things (as Dr. Lee also said) but that it's more than likely cancer. I was ready to break the news to The Boy that I was cancelling the Italy trip but Dr. Lee said not to. He said "She'll be fine while you're gone. You weren't concerned about her other than the limp so that means she was acting just fine. You brought her in for an allergy shot!" So I talked it over w/my cat sitter (who has 12 cats of her own) and she lives only 5 minutes away. Plus her mother lives across the street from me and her daughter and husband all love cats and come w/her when she takes care of the Fur Posse. So I feel better about leaving but it's still going to weigh heavily on my mind.

    Since Dr. Lee said that it possibly could be bacterial, I'm going to hold that thought and hope that it isn't cancer. He told me to call him when I return and we'll make the decision regarding the biopsy dependent on how she's doing but he said again that she's going to be fine. He said "You want me to give you a guarantee and you know I can't do that" but he's confident that she'll be fine for the next two weeks.

    So there you have it. I still feel like the wind has been knocked out of me and I can't even fathom how this house would feel w/o my little purr machine. Never has my tag line from the Bible rung so true.

    "Time and unforeseen occurrence befall us all." Ecclesiastes 9:11

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Los Angeles, Ca
    Mary, prayers are going up for Creamsicle. as well as a lot of good thoughts. Give Coco some chin scritchies, will you? Both your kitties are darlings.
    Proud to be a crazy cat lady!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Alberta, Canada
    Mary, is there anything that Creamsicle could be given as a med or something while you are away? Even a shot of Convenia in case it is bacterial?

    I know you trust Dr. Lee - I just wondered if you would worry less if she was on something.

    HUGS to you and Lou, and special scritchies to Creamsicle.
    "Do or do not. There is no try." -- Yoda

  13. #13
    Candace, he probably could have but he didn't mention it and I trust his instincts. I probably should've asked but, honestly, I'd had the wind knocked out of me. I went there thinking I was helping out my cat sitter by getting Creamy's depo shot so Suzie wouldn't have to give her pills while I was gone. Dr. Lee is on alert and he trusts me to pay him when I return, so if Creamy looks or acts any differently, Suzie knows to take her in right away. Gracie has been staying really close to me. I'll ask her if she wants up on my lap and she doesn't jump up; she just sits by me. I guess she knows I'm worried. Creamy is acting like she always does: purrs and walks at the same time. My li'l purr machine.

    "Time and unforeseen occurrence befall us all." Ecclesiastes 9:11

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Alberta, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by Medusa View Post
    Candace, he probably could have but he didn't mention it and I trust his instincts. I probably should've asked but, honestly, I'd had the wind knocked out of me. I went there thinking I was helping out my cat sitter by getting Creamy's depo shot so Suzie wouldn't have to give her pills while I was gone. Dr. Lee is on alert and he trusts me to pay him when I return, so if Creamy looks or acts any differently, Suzie knows to take her in right away. Gracie has been staying really close to me. I'll ask her if she wants up on my lap and she doesn't jump up; she just sits by me. I guess she knows I'm worried. Creamy is acting like she always does: purrs and walks at the same time. My li'l purr machine.
    Awwww....purring and walking! She ain't worried!
    "Do or do not. There is no try." -- Yoda

  15. #15


    I've hardly been thinking of anything else but Creamsicle and so I've decided to forgo the biopsy. If it is cancer, I won't put her through chemo, which would be the next step according to Dr. Lee. I have friends who couldn't stand chemo and stopped it, so I can't do that to my sweet little cat. If it isn't cancer, then I'd be doing the biopsy for nothing. She's still acting as she always does. Her appetite is great, she uses the litter box fine, no digestion problems. So to put her through such an invasive procedure w/o having her undergo chemo is pointless if not cruel. I know there will be some who believe I'll be selling Creamy short, especially after the lengths I went to w/Puddy but hers was a different situation altogether. I want Creamy's life to be a quality one, not one sick from chemo and scared all the time b/c she doesn't understand why we're doing all those things to her and she's deaf so won't be able to hear them comfort her. I've left a message for Dr. Lee to call me on Monday, so I'm not sure how he'll react but it's my decision and my cat and my conscience.

    "Time and unforeseen occurrence befall us all." Ecclesiastes 9:11


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