Fritz and Dad having a rest on the couch.Today,would have been Fritz's 12th year with us.I remember the day well. Mom and Dad went with the Aunties to Wiarton,Ontario.They got lost 3 times and when they got to the place,they couldn't believe what looked like.the pace looked as if it ws goig to fall down.Fritz had his both a shots and was ready to go.Mom called me and told me is,on the way home,Fritz got car sick.she pulled out his papers,saw that he was born Mom's birthday.While at the trailer,Fritz saw a reflection of himself,thought was another dog and barked at it.I was at home and didn't see Fritz until Sunday the 11th.they backed in the driveway,Dad holding him up for me to see.I went to see him and Mom told me to get close so could get my scent.We then took around to the back,we showed our neighbors at the time ,they had a Yellow Lab named Abby.We had Fritz downstairs and Larry came,no body knew we were getting another dog.We told Larry not to tell Marlene.We went up there after,When Marlene saw Dad with Fritz,she cried.I thought I would share this little story on how we got him.I miss the little guy today,sure he is having a good time up there with Dad,other family Ruffles and Taffy and their friends.