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Thread: Just letting you know that it is me in that video.......

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2002

    Just letting you know that it is me in that video.......

    If someone is reviewing the tapes at a certain Target store, they will find a wonderful 'blooper' that might find it's way onto YouTube.


    I walked into Target to look for a pair of house slippers. I have a pair that is a few years old and are on their last laps so a new pair is in order?


    I changed all the shoelaces on my shoes to a set of round laces that are always coming undone. If I do not tie them up tightly, they unravel and I feel the ends whipping about my shins and ankles.

    I'll stop and re-tie them and depending on my mood and how I am feeling I'll either kneel, sit or lean up against a post or something solid and then tie my shoe.

    In the stores, I'll find a column and lean up against it, then reach down to tie my shoe (Yes, I know there are places where I could sit or kneel down, I'll sit before I kneel - It's a catholic hang-up that I have....)


    I walk down the main aisle and feel my shoelace hit my ankle, I stop, look and sure enough, it needs to be tied.

    I see a column nearby, walk over and begin to lean against it.

    In the blink of an eye I feel my equilibrium go wonky and next thing I know, I am falling down.

    I grab the column only to have it pull be farther to the side.

    I manage to keep myself upright and holding onto the column which is falling.........

    The damn thing falls to the ground with a loud bang!


    There is another shopper heading my way and he is loking at me like I was trying to drop the thing on him and his kid. I made eye contact with him as the 'column' feel and he was looking none to pleased.

    I apologized to him and turned to see that there was already an employee running toward me with more en-route!


    What I had leaned against was a 'service kiosk' - a place where you can get a wipe to pickup spills, toss away trash or call for a store employee to give you a hand.

    This thing weighed about 350 pounds - I had managed to hang on to it an keep it from falling across the aisle - I was more embarrassed that the top of the kiosk had fallen off...Not that I had tipped it over.

    This happened two days ago, but last night I was thinking about it and wondered if someone at Target would leak that tape to a clip show - you know, the kind where they show some chucklehead almost killing himself and other shoppers - all because his shoelace was untied.


    If it does make the airwaves?

    I did laugh about it.
    I was embarrassed.
    and I ended up NOT buying a pair of slippers......

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    North Carolina, USA
    Glad you weren't hurt. Having said that, I want to see the "event"... sounds funny. If somebody did capture it and it ends up on YouTube, please come back and give us the url. I want to see! It would have scared me no doubt.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by kaycountrygal View Post
    Glad you weren't hurt. Having said that, I want to see the "event"... sounds funny. If somebody did capture it and it ends up on YouTube, please come back and give us the url. I want to see! It would have scared me no doubt.
    Oh man, IT was epic. Had the guy that saw the whole thing been a few steps faster? I would have probably hit him.

    I think I am gong to buy some 'velcro' shoes after this.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Richard - did no one ever teach you how to make a double bow so your sneakers wouldn't come untied? I learned that by elementary school - I don't even remember who taught me, likely my big brother. I am enough of a klutz that untied laces on me are a hazard to everyone in my vicinity!
    I've Been Frosted


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