My dog has had what the vet called benign fatty tumors, on his skin. Vet said they would come
and go and then another would pop-up. But, nothing to worry about. However, I noticed one
that was different. Taking a closer look, it appeared I could pull out the (whatever it was). I
used a tool and carefully pulled it out. The whole thing came out easy. It looked like a bug and
it was dead. It was easy to remove, with tweezers. I had given my dog Comfortis about a week
prior to this. That would have killed the tick.

Has this ever happened to anyone else. I was told by the vet tech, many yrs ago, that you would
notice a tick in FL. It is fleas that will torment your pet and get in your house and bed, in FL. That
is correct. However, rubbing alcohol, sprinkled on a bed or couch. Then covered with a sheet, will
kill fleas. They are very small, so it does not take much. Rubbing alcohol is cheap, does not stain,
and evaporates quickly. Household cleaners will kill fleas as well. Anyway, anyone ever pull a dead
tick out of your pooch?

Doug, & fur family FL