I adopted Wolfy last September, and in that time he has found and "tried" to roll in several stinky things - more than Myndi and Sparky found in almost 18 years. He is always on leash even tho he has 2 acres to take me for a walk on, so it's easy for me to redirect his attention, just so long as I'm paying attention. The first encounter was a dead baby mole, and since I didn't remove it, he found the same one just a few days later. Then there was a big frog that got mutilated by the garden tractor, and a snake that met the same fate and stunk to high heaven. He's found a couple of freshly dead birds that were intact and not yet decaying, but those didn't interest him as much because they weren't "ripe" enough. He was nosing something this morning, but I gave his leash a tug and got him away from it.

Dogs - gotta love em..............