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Thread: chronic ear infections? allergies? or what??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    chronic ear infections? allergies? or what??

    Hello everyone,

    One of my cats, Melinda, has been suffering for years from what I at first assumed were ear mites. My previous vet was useless. He would treat her at the clinic, give me drops to give and that was it. The problem would always come back. When I moved recently, I found a fabulous vet and told her I think Melinda has chronic ear infections. This vet helped as much as possible, and even got Melinda feeling a bit better with use of a variety of treatments including yeast medication, antibiotics, and anti-inflammatory. Of all these, I think the injections of Convenia helped her feel the best. But nothing helped completely. I asked about allergies and was referred to a really wonderful allergy specialist. We first treated all 3 of my cats with Revolution to be sure that wasn't the underlying problem. We got steroids again and another injection and I put all cats on a food allergy trial so there was no way she could get into another food. She was feeling pretty good until the injection wore off again. After almost 8 weeks we stopped the food trial since her symptoms were mostly back and we then did an allergy test. The results showed exactly which substances (mostly pollens and such) she is allergic to and I received an antigen set to begin the process of de-sensitizing her to these substances. Well, she never completely stopped scratching and, eventually, as always, her symptoms all came back. We are now near the end of the antigen treatment and I am at my wits end. She is obviously uncomfortable. I thought if I just spent the money we could finally resolve this. She SO DESERVES to feel better!! I have spent over $2000 over the last six months that I can't even afford and I don't know what else to do. I don't even want to go back to the vet and spend more money. Probably no one here has experienced this, but if you have any ideas I would appreciate hearing them. Thanks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    I am a human with many allergies, and if I don't take my medications correctly, I end up with ear infections. I also have food allergies. Food allergies are notoriously hard to test for accurately.

    What are you feeding her? It is probably time to start what folks call an "elimination" diet. Start with a one-item food - boiled chicken, for example. Nothing else for a few days - no treats with suspicious ingredients. See how she feels, and if her symptoms lessen. Include the "giblets" when you do, as the heart and liver contain taurine, something kitties need. If her symptom seem to improve add only one new ingredient at a time, remembering cats are carnivores, so they do not need grains, etc.

    See how that goes, okay?
    I've Been Frosted

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    St. Louis, Missouri
    Food allergies are the hardest to figure out. 8 weeks is NOT long enough of a trial to pin-point if that's what it is. We suggest a minimum of 3 months on a STRICT diet (no treats, no other food, nothing) before making a judgement call on how they're doing on the diet.

    You can see chronic ear and skin issues with food allergies.

    My understanding is that giving the allergy injections can not only take some time for you to start seeing results as well, but is a life-long treatment that you don't just stop after a few weeks.

    I'm sorry you're having these problems. Allergies are just the worst thing to figure out in pets.

    Long-term steroids can be a huge problem so I suggest doing that as little as possible.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Methuen, MA; USA
    Welcome to Pet Talk!

    I'm sorry that you and Melinda are going through this. Constant ear infections are no fun. Thank you for working so hard to try and mend things for her.

    My cat Bobby had the allergy test and I gave him the shots here at home for a year. After that he seemed fine. It's now bee 6 years with no recurrence. But he was scratching all over his body, till he bled, not ear infections.

    Is there some way to do prevention? I had a dog who constantly developed ear infections. I used OtiClens three times a week for the 6 years she lived with me (Lacey was a rescue) and that solved the problem. We never did sort out what exactly was the underlying cause. Might this sort of thing be of help for Melinda? The fact that the convenia brings relief suggests she gets a bacterial infection (not a yeast infection) so this may guide you / your vet as to which sort of ear cleaner to use.

  5. #5
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    Mar 2014
    Thanks, all of you, for your comments. I really appreciate it. I feed them canned food, chicken and/or turkey only. I do know there is a fish allergy because I brought home fish food one time as a treat (prior to the allergy test or diet) and she went berserk. So I am very strict now about sticking to chicken and turkey. During the allergy test diet, I fed duck only. The vet said when we stop the duck, if Melinda doesn't flare up, then her regular food isn't likely the culprit. And there was no change when we went back to their regular food.

    One interesting thing has happened the last couple days. She pee'd in my bed, and I am keeping her out of my bedroom until I get the mattress cleaned and dried. I could be imagining it, but it seems like her symptoms are better since that happened. My mattress is pretty old, so I'm getting a waterproof / hypoallergenic mattress pad and see if it helps.

    Well, I think you've convinced me to go back to the allergist. It's just that I was losing hope. I'm confused about one thing: are there allergy injections that are different from the desensitization shots I'm giving her? What I'm giving her are antigens that are supposed to desensitize her to the substances that she tested positive for.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Methuen, MA; USA
    That is the same sort of shots I gave my Bobby. The antigens for the things he tested positive for allergies.

    VERY interesting about the mattress (not that she peed on it, but that having no access to it has made her better).

    Are you getting a new one? Because it is all but impossible to remove the smell from upholstered furniture, mattresses, and so on. And if a pet can smell urine, they WILL pee there.

    I have a full size bed. I went to WalMart and bought a water proof mattress cover, it was about $25, and I keep that on beneath the sheets etc. It has a plastic backing. I actually put a padded mattress cover on top of it because I was not liking the feel of it. Anyway that has save me a ton of money with all the pets I've had through here. I found that size also fits my sofa, so I have one on underneath the slip cover.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Quote Originally Posted by MindyAndSam View Post
    Well, I think you've convinced me to go back to the allergist. It's just that I was losing hope. I'm confused about one thing: are there allergy injections that are different from the desensitization shots I'm giving her? What I'm giving her are antigens that are supposed to desensitize her to the substances that she tested positive for.
    Allergy shots for humans can be a long-term thing, as in years, so one round of shots will not make much of a difference. My sister did 15 years of allergy shots and actually got rid of her tree and grass pollen allergies. Sadly, it didn't get rid of her cat and dog allergies - didn't even make a dent in those. But don't worry, she is still planning on adopting a dog when she retires!
    I've Been Frosted

  8. #8
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    St. Louis, Missouri
    Quote Originally Posted by Karen View Post
    Allergy shots for humans can be a long-term thing, as in years, so one round of shots will not make much of a difference. My sister did 15 years of allergy shots and actually got rid of her tree and grass pollen allergies. Sadly, it didn't get rid of her cat and dog allergies - didn't even make a dent in those. But don't worry, she is still planning on adopting a dog when she retires!
    Yup. We have some pets that been coming in for allergy injections for years. Some are once weekly, some are once monthly, some are once every two weeks... just depends on what works for them. You won't have a series of injections and then that's it; as stated, it can be a very long-term thing.


  9. #9
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    Mar 2014
    Okay, I get it. I thought that if this didn't work, then it was off to find the next possible solution. I didn't know it may have to be repeated for awhile. We're nearing the end of this treatment, so we'll be seeing the allergist and looking for a second job!! Thanks for the clarifications.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Quote Originally Posted by MindyAndSam View Post
    Okay, I get it. I thought that if this didn't work, then it was off to find the next possible solution. I didn't know it may have to be repeated for awhile. We're nearing the end of this treatment, so we'll be seeing the allergist and looking for a second job!! Thanks for the clarifications.
    You're welcome! Good luck with this and keep us posted!
    I've Been Frosted

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    St. Louis, Missouri
    Quote Originally Posted by MindyAndSam View Post
    so we'll be seeing the allergist and looking for a second job!!
    Oh boy ain't that the truth... allergy testing can be verrrrrrry expensive

    Good luck!!


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