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Thread: Please help, desperately need advice

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Westlock County, AB, Canada

    Please help, desperately need advice

    I have a 4 yr old male cat who pees in all the wrong places some of the time. He is 'differently abled" in that he has three legs that are misformed. He knows when he's done wrong and I'm at my wits ends. He can be such an affectionate cat and he is too smart for his own good (aren't they all), but he's starting to ruin things and I've had to throw out rugs and odds and ends because of the smell of urine. Any ideas?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    How many cats do you have, and how many litterboxes? Is everyone spayed/neutered? Any new changes in the household? Is this a new behavior? How long has this been going on?

    Sorry for all the questions, but they do matter!
    I've Been Frosted

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Methuen, MA; USA
    Has he ever used a box, and if so, is it only certain ones? I'm wondering if he finds some boxes too challenging to enter and balance in. May need a modified sort of box.

    I have more once you answer Karen's ??? lol. As she said, it DOES matter.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Westlock County, AB, Canada
    He does use the litterbox on occasion, and I have three boxes. Simba basically uses the one himself, but I recently had to bring in what was to have been my outdoor mouser. I now have 4 cats in the house. Cassie is the oldest (12) and spayed, Mickey is 6 and neutered, Simba is 4 and neutered. Rascal is almost a year old and he too is neutered. Rascal is now to be an indoor cat and he's having a hard time adjusting, but I refuse to have pets that may be potential food for the coyotes. Also it cost a lot to have him sewed back up.

    Back to Simba and his problem. I do have a special mat that I bought about 3 years ago and Simba will use this mat 95% of the time to poo on and occasionally for peeing. Recently Rascal has used Simba's litterbox, but only a few times. Now Rascal uses the other two litter boxes mostly and the other 2 cats are okay with this. Mickey loves when an empty box gets left on the floor, but it doesn't take long before Simba decides its for him to pee in. Simba's issues have been ongoing for most of his life. He's good for awhile, then slips up. Over this last winter, he was pooing on my rug in the living room and peeing on it the odd time. The rug has now been cleaned and to the best of my knowledge he's only pooed twice, haven't caught him peeing on it... yet. He used to pee on the mat I had at the back door, but we put up a gate several months back to keep him out.

    I had a bit of a problem with some cat food that I bought. I think it went bad. It seemed to have affected Simba the hardest by giving him diarrhea. This meant that I had to give him a bath to clean him up and he was not happy about this.

    I guess when I put it all down like this, there has been a lot happening over the last couple of months. Simba's problem has been on going most of his life, we just go through spells when he's worse. I really don't want to put him down, I want to help him somehow. He's such an affectionate cat. He knows he's differently abled, but that doesn't slow him down. He struggles to walk (especially on tile and hardwood), but he can run as fast as the other cats. If he attempts to stand, he really only has one front leg that is normal and one back leg that will support him. The bad front leg has a bend in it and the back legs consist of one that is twisted at the joint and the other not joined (sort of grew together as he got older).

    Is there anything else that you might need to know??


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