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Thread: Charity Knitting Goes to the Dogs (and Cats)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Alberta, Canada

    Charity Knitting Goes to the Dogs (and Cats)

    Charity Knitting Goes to the Dogs (and Cats) If you'd like your charity knitting to touch dogs and cats in need, consider helping the Mats 4 Morris cause

    At, we don't just love charity knitting for human beings; we love to knit for our furry friends, too.

    As many of us who knit know, there seems to be fewer things in our pets' lives that they love more than our knitting. Cats love yarn, and many of them seem to find a favorite blanket (or sweater) to lie on and make themselves cozy. Dogs aren't immune to the charms of yarn either. They love knitted toys and blankets. My own dog has an interesting tendency to stand on my lap and investigate whenever I pick up my needles! (It's a good thing she's light!)
    So today I'd like to introduce you to Mats 4 Morris. This is a charity with two goals. One is to get knitters to donate toys, mats, blankets, and other items for the animal shelters in their own areas. The other is to get knitters specifically in Missouri to create the same kinds of items that founder Lora can then distribute to shelters all over the state.
    Mats 4 Morris was created in memory of Lora's own sweet orange tabby cat, who sadly lost his life after an unknown animal attack. To honor him, she and a group of crafters decided to start helping shelter animals in their area with knitted, crocheted, sewn, and quilted lovies.
    How You Can Help
    It's easy to help the Mats 4 Morris cause. Do you live anywhere outside of Missouri, U.S., including overseas? Then just get knitting and make special lovies for animal shelters in your neighborhood! Believe me, animal shelters all over the world would be delighted to have a little something to help make the temporarily homeless animals feel a little more at home. And the animals are equally delighted!
    If you actually live in Missouri, then you can create any kind of animal lovie you want and send it to Lora. It's that easy!
    Check out the Mats 4 Morris page at the Giving Artfully website here: You'll not only find links to patterns for crochet patterns for pet items, but you'll also see how to contact Lora to get shipping information.
    Want to get started with knitted pet items? The Knitting Pattern Central website has a great page devoted to them:
    Why not start knitting today? Our furry friends will be much obliged when you offer them your charity knitting!

    Posted by Kitty Doyle | Permalink
    "Do or do not. There is no try." -- Yoda

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Aww, people at my church knit for babies in need in Boston hospitals, but this seems like a worthy cause as well!

    P.S. I do not knit. I ruin yarn.
    I've Been Frosted

  3. #3
    Oh wow, I'm totally going to read up more on this. I LOVE to crochet, but I don't like to KEEP what I crochet, and I think my friends are a little tired of getting crocheted doodads! Thanks for sharing!!


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