Ha ha love your comment freedom,oh yes I'm sure they will be ok,but they are used to me being home all day,mind you Lexie sleeps under our bed most of the day and appears when the princess decides to honour us with her presence usually dinner time,nikki is around a lot more but she's a daddy's girl ,yep she chose him over me even though I do all everything for her.sweet though as he is just as crazy over the cats as me .
The break will do me good,I've been under a lot of stress lately ,so I am looking forward to it.
Yep hubby has a list,reads like this.

Change their six bowls of water daily,two are outside,has to be cold water out of the fridge ,Lexie loves her cold water,clean litter boxes ,they have three,leave plenty biscuits down when he goes to work ,make sure cat door is open,oh and water the plants,the rest goes without saying,they will be good company for him.

I am sure they won't even miss me really.now if we Both were gone that would be different.
I'm gonna ring hubby and talk to my kitties,wonder how they will react to hearing my voice
Yes I know I'm cat crazy,and proud of it.

It's all pet talks influence ,thank you PT.

Oh and I have lots of lovely pics of them both on my phone.