Quote Originally Posted by Pembroke_Corgi View Post
This reminds me of a huge pet peeve of mine - anyone ever notice how sexualized girls' Halloween costumes are? As the mom of a 4-year old girl, this really bothers me. I remember last year I was looking online for a girls' vet costume (since my daughter already wants to be a vet ) - when looking under the category "jobs" I noticed plenty of things marketed to boys - police officer, fireman, doctor, etc. - and in the girls' section it included a cheerleader, a dancer, and a "gypsy." Huh?
Sheesh! Like girls don't wanna be police officers, doctors, etc? Who decided Halloween costumes needed to be gender specific in their marketing, anyway? There are male dancers (Hello, Fred Astaire), male gypsies, and male cheerleaders - watch any college halftime show ...