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Thread: Calling PT kitties... what's your favorite cat tree??

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    St. Louis, Missouri

    Calling PT kitties... what's your favorite cat tree??

    Hey PT, need your kitties' expert opinions...

    My boyfriend and I recently bought a house... which means a lot more room for the kitties (I swear, we bought the house for the cats). We have three huge bay windows that would be just perfect for a cat tree for the kitties to lounge on and watch birds outside...

    So I was wondering what the PT kitties' opinions were on good, durable, pretty large and inexpensive (as in ~$100 max... I am operating on very limited funds with all of the projects we have going on at the house right now!!!). I've browsed around amazon and PetCo... some of the larger looking ones in my price range have poor reviews.

    I am also not opposed to building our own, but with all of the projects we have going on at the house atm I'm not sure if I'll have time to!

    Any suggestions would be fantastic......... thank you so much <3


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    For now, setting up several empty cardboard boxes - which you must have, moving as you are, with holes cut in some sides but not all, some stacked - would be a good makeshift "jungle gym" until you have a chance to buy or build an official tree! Cardboard and some packing tape can make a great temporary structure.

    Are your cats all climbers or tunnelers? Do they like relaxing up on top of something or underneath it? How many kitties need resting spots? Do they like dangling toys or ones that move on the surface? There are so many options, the "best" tree depends on the cats who will be using it!
    I've Been Frosted

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Santa Paula, CA
    I've bought some very good cat furniture at cat shows as well as on e-bay. Here's a link to some discount cat furniture that you might like: Here's another link from Good luck and congrats on becoming a homeowner.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    St. Louis, Missouri
    Thank you both We have just the two cats... I have a feeling at least one of them will be a climber (they don't really have an opportunity to do so at the condo but I have found Espeon on top of the fridge before). Not so sure if they would play with dangly stuff... I feel like all they would do is use it as a scraching post and lounge on it... we have a scratching post for them now and they both use it all the time. They are *always* in the windows looking outside.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    St. Louis, Missouri
    Yikes, I'm sorry I don't see the option to edit posts from mobile (having internet hooked up at the house today so its been turned off at the condo to use the laptop!) but wanted to add... they have been going nuts over the boxes at the condo... especially the ones I bring from work filled with paper packing material... you'd think they died and went to kitty heaven the way they're acting.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Portland, Orygun, USA
    This was Freckles favorite
    It's not a cat tree, but it kept her busy.


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