It has been just over a week since you left me and the house has never been this silent ... During the last couple of weeks of your life you had a very difficult time and I am sorry about that. I didn't know at the time, but you were suffering from FIP and it is a HORRIBLE disease. I am sorry for the pain and suffering you went through. On Thursday (June 27) I picked you up from the vet's office and I knew that it was time to let you go. I just wanted one more night with you at home. We came home and I knew immediately that something was wrong because you couldn't walk. I slept with you that night and knew that it would be our last time together. The next day the vet was exceptionally kind and came to the house so you would not have to make the trip to the RB in an office. We spent Friday cuddling together and as you laid in my lap, he helped you pass on to the RB.

I hope that you are at peace and are making friends there.

There is so much that we don't know about you and your background You started off as a street cat in Bahrain. You and Ally had your problems, but you were well loved by your family When your family had to leave Bahrain everyone from PT chipped in and you flew to the USA to stay with me. This was the first transatlantic PT kitty flight and Phred even showed us how to track in realtime.

You joined my merry little band of furry paws in time for Thanksgiving 2006. That first spring I had the windows open and you were looking out meowing at the birds. You were so loud that the neighbors came to check and make sure that everything was okay. You were always looking out the upstairs window waiting for me to come home. You made sure to alert everyone else in the house by meowing very loudly when I was walking up to the door.

We had some challenges but I loved you very much and I miss out cuddle time at night when you would sit on my lap and I would read the paper. There is a little part of me that died with you that Friday. Please keep it safe and with you until we meet again...

Miss you