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Thread: Toby

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Ayden, North Carolina USA


    What a beautiful Love Story. Toby, congratulations on being our celebrated Dog Of The Day. I can not think of a better candidate than you. Even though you had a rough start in life, boy are you making up for it now. How you can still have such a big heart and terrific spirit has to be a God given gift and thank goodness you now have a family that will always foster and nuture that gift. To have the kind of strong love that you two have for each other is a miracle within itself. Me and mine wish for you a long life in which to enjoy your love connection. Despite your sad beginnings, you sure are liveing a beautiful Love Story now.
    Our pets reflect our outlooks and attitudes.

  2. #2
    Oh Toby, what a handsome boy you are! Such a sad, sad start to your life. Thank goodness your humans came along and saved you.
    Congrats on being DOTD! I know you will have a fun day today because you just look like a very fun pup!
    Forever in my heart...

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Phoenix, Arizona, USA

    Of Course Toby Is a Loving Dog

    Toby is a loving dog because that how dogs are. He know that he was brought into a new family that is going to give him love and a good life. Dogs show gratitude and love especially after a rescue like this.

    God Bless Toby and his new family!


  4. #4


    Hi Toby....What a handsome fellow you are. I am so sorry that your first owner was so bad to you. I am very happy that you have a
    loving family now to take care of you and to love you like you are suppose to be. You are so pretty. I would love to have you.
    Congratulations on DOTD. I am so glad I got to see you and to read a your story with a wonderful ending.

    Linda in SC

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Northern cyberspace
    Glad you got away from that bad beginning and found real love Toby.
    Enjoy your day as DOTD, it was meant for you-- enjoy the spoiling you will get.

    I've been frosted--- thank you Cassie'smom

    I've been Boo'd----

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    Montreal, Quebec, Canada
    Blog Entries


    Dear Toby,

    You are a beautiful dog. I don't understand humans who abuse animals and have no patience for them. Such humans are the lowest life forms of all creation in the Universe.

    My view is we humans are entrusted with the sacred task of Caretakers of Planet Earth -- responsible all of her living beings which includes Fauna, Flora, Aquatic, Amphibian, Insecta and every other species of life who calls our wonderful Blue Planet "home".

    Congratulations on being chosen Dog of the Day. Live long, healthy and happy with your new family. They are my kind of people!

    We miss having a dog companion but due to my husband's allergy to dogs which he developed when we had two lovely dogs many years ago named Bobby and Chuck. We knew that when our darlings had lived out their natural life span that we would not bring home a dog as my husband's allergy is severe.

    When we had our beloved beagle, Bobby and terrior, Chuck, Pussycats were a part of our family. Lucky for us, my husband is not allergic to cats. So we have three lovelies : Felix who is a gorgeous Maine Coon; Rascal who is a beautiful tabby, grey/silver with some white accents; and our baby boy, Raven who was born on my hand.

    Our kitties, like you, are rescued Treasures.

    Raven's mother, Ivory came to me, pregnant, frightened and all alone on city streets. I took her in and that very first week, she presented us with two little black kittens whom we named Raven and Licorice. Ivory and Licorice are in good homes and I visit them in their forever homes which is lovely.

    Dear Toby, Mr. Spock of Star Trek always said "Live long and prosper" -- loved and cherished for all of your days. That is our wish for you.

    Attached Images Attached Images  

    Felix (Maine Coon Cat) & Norman (Marbled Bengal Tabby Cat)

    KatMa says:
    "Angels are sent to purrsons, dressed up as Cats" and
    ~Life without Cats is NOT a life at all!~
    Original cat quotations(c)Susan Elizabeth Dykhuis

    Life without liberty is like a body without spirit -Kahlil Gibran

    Sasha the Queen Calico
    b. 8 May 1994 - d. 29 August 2005

    Our most purrecious little girl, we love you fur~ever.

    Bobby the Dog, cats Tiggy [TBCU], Princess and Paddy-Paws, and Chucky the Dog are showing you the ropes at RB. Kisses and hugs to all of our darlings from your KatMa & Paw-Paw.

    Calico Cat Atavar by: Glenda Moore

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2001
    San Diego, California USA


    Oh Toby what a handsome boy you are and I'm so happy that you have
    a wonderful, caring family now, and will enjoy your life to the fullest in
    years to come. I think you both needed each other and will be
    happy to be together. Congratulations for being our very special
    Dog Of The Day.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2000

    Brave, beautiful Toby!

    Oh Toby, beautiful boy...I, like those before me, are heartbroken and sickened to hear of the unspeakable, horrific abuse you suffered at the hand, and foot, of your previous..."owner."

    What a brave boy you were, Toby, hanging on until your rescuers, your forever family, could free you from your living hell. It is truly a testament to the amazing, indomitable, unbreakable spirit of the canine that despite such abuse you were able to learn to love and trust another human! And what makes your story so extra special is that your forever human needed you as much as you needed her/him! With one simple act of selfless kindness two hearts were healed, an unbreakable bond of love and trust forged!

    And now, finally, you are living the happy, carefree, love filled life you so rightly deserve, a life any doggie would envy! (It's not every pup who can boast running about the bucolic English countryside, taking a dip in cool, blue lake as part of their daily routine! ) And judging by that HUGE smile on your face, those twinkling "blinky eyes" (photo #2"D), there's no doubt you're savoring each and every minute of your enchanted existence! I'm so very happy for you and your person that you found your way to one another, Toby! How very lucky you are to have a soul mate, a best friend for life in her/him, and she/he in you!

    Heartfelt thanks to your person for sharing your very moving, heartwarming and inspirational story with us, and oh, so many heart melting, life affirming pics! You truly are a survivor, Toby, the sweetest most loving and forgiving pup on the planet, and so very worthy of your Dog of the Day, every day, honors!
    Enjoy a happy and fun filled day of celebration, sweetheart! I just know your mum (or dad) is going to make it a very special one, for sure!
    Lots of love, hugs and kisses to you, brave, beautiful Toby!

    Star,Tigg'r , Mollie and the10 Gallon Gang!

    And my Rainbow Bridge Furangels...Jingles, Cody, Fritz, Chessa, Satin, Buddy, Lizzie, Oliver, Squeaker, Moonbeam, Rosie, Ruby~

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    Toby the Terrific!

    Toby - first off, I want to say that I'm glad that your loving humans saved you from those sick abusive 'people' I wish that I could beat and kick them!
    You are a sweet boy, and have come a long way from your awful start. You are proof that dogs are sweet, loving creatures, even when treated with hate in the past...Toby, you are an awesome boy!
    May everyday be Dog of the Day for you, beautiful boy!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2013
    England UK
    Hey everyone, i'm Toby's owner, just wanted to say a huge thankyou to all the lovely comments, it really brought a tear to my eye to see how supportive nd caring people can be.

    Obviously now im showing all my friends and family the link to his dog of the day page ever so proud of him and he got extra big hugs when i found out.

    I smile everytime i think of him and how he's brightened up my life, he couldnt of come into my life at a better time and im sure the same applies for him.

    He's currently curled up snoring his head off after eating his dinner :3

    Thanks again and have a lovely day

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Aww, give him a hug from us!
    I've Been Frosted


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