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Thread: Summer Class experiences??

  1. #1
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    Oct 2005

    Summer Class experiences??

    As you guys know, my worst absolute worst subject is math.

    I started taking real credit math classes last fall and well, that went down the tubes fast. In hindsight, I see it as partially my fault for a variety of reasons (being lazy, pushing it to the side, not studying or practicing enough) but Hurricane Sandy and things like that didn't help whatsoever. Either that or I honestly think I have some undiagnosed math block or learning disorder. Anyway, after tons of effort I retook the course and I wound up getting a 84 on my first test and a 75 on my 2nd one, 80-100 on ALL of my quizzes, 100's on all the homework, and basically I have steadily just been doing better. Thought I'd share THAT bit of good news!!

    ANYWAY, I hadn't really thought much of summer courses but I still have to take College Algebra and Trig (MATH 152) and Pre-calc (153) at my school (a community college). I pushed it out of my mind because I thought I CANNOT take a math in 6 weeks. NO WAY. But today, I was talking to a girl who said there was 3 summer sessions, one of which is 11 WEEKS and she said she always takes her more difficult classes then because it's longer. It got me thinking....maybe I can take College Algebra and Trig over the summer? It meets two nights a week - 3 hours.

    I've talked to tons of people have heard mostly that summer classes were better for them since it was all they needed to worry about and it wasn't with tons of other classes. Plus, I wouldn't forget everything over the summer like I know I would.

    So, rather than 15 weeks it is 11 weeks. But that just doesn't seem that bad to me. I think I could handle it plus with this new job I have much better hours for this type of thing!

    Any input, experiences? Yes? No? Am I nuts?

    Do you think I'd still have a life? That's a concern too. I volunteer for the Wildlife conservation corps and want to be able to do all my outdoor rec stuff that I don't do over the winter

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    I think taking summer math classes would be a good idea for you - it will be the only class you have to study for and that should make concentrating on it easier than during the semester, when you have other stuff to worry about. There also tend to be fewer people in summer classes, so you have more opportunity to ask questions if you don;t understand something.
    I've Been Frosted

  3. #3
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    Methuen, MA; USA
    Considering your 'history' with math, I would not advise you to take BOTH. Pick one and do it, do it right, do it well. You CAN do math, but you need time, to pace yourself and build some confidence. College level Algebra AND Trig is not a good mix to take together.

    BTW, I was a Math major in college. Even those of us majoring in it do not mix algebra and trig courses in the same semester.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Freedom View Post
    Considering your 'history' with math, I would not advise you to take BOTH. Pick one and do it, do it right, do it well. You CAN do math, but you need time, to pace yourself and build some confidence. College level Algebra AND Trig is not a good mix to take together.

    BTW, I was a Math major in college. Even those of us majoring in it do not mix algebra and trig courses in the same semester.
    I should clarify it is one course! That's the name of it.

    I don't know EXACTLY how much trig it is, I think it is more algebra based if anything.

    LOL, I have never had the opportunity to ask this to a math major without coming off as rude, but HOW can you major in that? I'd probably be in college for the rest of my life trying to pass everything. My GPA would be below a 2.0.

  5. #5
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    I took freshman English at the community college the summer before my first semester of college, and it worked out really well. Take 152 over the summer and then you'll only have to worry about 153 in the fall. You might get more attention and help from the teacher because of the way it's scheduled.
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    "We consume our tomorrows fretting about our yesterdays." -- Persius, first century Roman poet

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  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alysser View Post
    LOL, I have never had the opportunity to ask this to a math major without coming off as rude, but HOW can you major in that? I'd probably be in college for the rest of my life trying to pass everything. My GPA would be below a 2.0.
    Some peoples' brains delight in math. My Aunt Bertha's did, and so does my big sister's brain! Another friend, Sue, who is now retired as an accountant, said she always loved math because there is only one right answer, and once you get it, that's it! My sister says it's like solving a cool puzzle - she now is a software engineer, dealing with lines of code on mainframe computers. I would shudder with boredom, but she loves it!

    Thankfully, all brains are different, and you know what makes yours happy, and what you simply have to endure to progress toward you ultimate goal!
    I've Been Frosted

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alysser View Post
    I should clarify it is one course! That's the name of it.

    I don't know EXACTLY how much trig it is, I think it is more algebra based if anything.

    LOL, I have never had the opportunity to ask this to a math major without coming off as rude, but HOW can you major in that? I'd probably be in college for the rest of my life trying to pass everything. My GPA would be below a 2.0.
    Thanks for clarifying, I did think it was 2 different classes.

    Ha haa, Oh my no, not rude. It's just the way we are 'wired,' I guess. I adore math, the fact that there is ONE answer, and only 1, the way I can move around in space and always know where I'm at, the rules are always clear (none of this "i before e EXCEPT") I was in accelerated math classes from the 5th grade, and took 2 college level course in high school (off campus!) I focused on linear algebra, and I specialized in 13 dimensional space, and the things I could develop and imagine were fascinating! Oh 11 dimensional space was nice - you have to work in a prime number dimension, or else everything collapses -- but 13 was SO intriguing to me! I love having a puzzle to solve.

    This also tied in with my love of philosophy, which I was 2 courses short of minoring. Mathematicians almost universally agree God is the 4 th dimension, so the fact that beings exist in a collapsible dimension was another fascination for me.

    String theory and quarks were just coming out, and became part of the course plan about 3 years after I graduated. I have spent time reading up on it myself over the years, to keep fresh and up to date.

    Oh, and I graduated cum laude, as a member of Pi Mu Epsilon, the Mathematician's Honor Society! I let my membership lapse about 6 years ago, as Dad's health issues took over more and more of my life.

    Like many people, I do have some things I have trouble with. Do NOT ask me about percents! I know, 3rd grade stuff, but I just can not get my mind around percentages, lol. I have to translate it all to fractions, do the work, solve the problem and then translate BACK to percentages. Otherwise, my calculations are way off. For critical stuff, I actually ask another mathematician to review and verify my translations! As you can imagine, this makes grocery shopping a challenge!

  8. #8
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    With math, I found the easiest way for me to learn the more advanced courses needed for chemistry was with a teacher that explained the applications for a given type of math. It's harder to see real-world applications for algebra, at first, but it and trig both use coordinate systems. Trig explains how your GPS figures out where you are and where to go, for example!
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  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Karen View Post
    Some peoples' brains delight in math. My Aunt Bertha's did, and so does my big sister's brain! Another friend, Sue, who is now retired as an accountant, said she always loved math because there is only one right answer, and once you get it, that's it! My sister says it's like solving a cool puzzle - she now is a software engineer, dealing with lines of code on mainframe computers. I would shudder with boredom, but she loves it!
    Nooooooo! (running in circles with my hands over my ears!) I am so NOT a math person. I have to be careful to figure a tip correctly, I don't like reconciling the check book.

    I have a former co-worker whose daughter is a mathlete. She does Sudoku puzzles in ink. She is now a college student majoring in math and computer science. Give me a crossword puzzle any day. In nursing school I learned to calculate intravenous drip rates and do dose conversions, which was necessary in the "good old days". Nowadays the Pharm.D.'s have a lot of responsibility for checking correct doses, almost everything is unit dosed, and IV pumps are so small and so smart that there's no reason to run IVs to gravity alone anymore.

    Alysser, whatever you decide about these two courses, I hope it works out for the best!
    Praying for peace in the Middle East, Ukraine, and around the world.

    I've been Boo'd ... right off the stage!

    Aaahh, I have been defrosted! Thank you, Bonny and Asiel!
    Brrrr, I've been Frosted! Thank you, Asiel and Pomtzu!

    "That's the power of kittens (and puppies too, of course): They can reduce us to quivering masses of Jell-O in about two seconds flat and make us like it. Good thing they don't have opposable thumbs or they'd surely have taken over the world by now." -- Paul Lukas

    "We consume our tomorrows fretting about our yesterdays." -- Persius, first century Roman poet

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  10. #10
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    I LOVE math!!! - and percentages are FUN! I never did calculus or any of the advanced math, but I worked in the accounting field for many years as a cost accountant. Fun job!!
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    Now is the only time you have, so live it with a will -
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  11. #11
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    I guess you can call me a math-a-phob. I was the exact opposite, I was in extra help classes since 2nd grade. I have had tutors. I did extremely well with Geometry. Even in High School Chemistry and Physics! I liked how they give you equations. I guess I just don't have math logic. I don't really hate it, I guess we just don't mesh. I like Physical Sciences like Earth Science and Biology.

    I understand as a Wildlife Biologist or whatever I wind up doing I will need math, but a former wildlife professional I work with told me stats was very important and you need to know survey techniques but over a period of years and years you build upon it. She never needed anything they taught her in Calc!

    I wound up registering for the summer 11 week term and than I can take Pre-calc in the Fall.....and BE DONE WITH ALGEBRA...forever Probably till I try to get a Masters and they tell me I need Calculus, ugh. But till then, I will be so excited and relieved. I just hope my 3.6 GPA doesn't go down the tubes. They'll probably be a thread about that!

    Thanks for the input!

    ETA: I got a 74 on test #3, just one more to go! I know some people probably think I am nuts for thinking of that as a great grade but for me it's almost an A LOL.
    Last edited by Alysser; 04-25-2013 at 07:54 PM.

  12. #12
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    I did a four year bachelor's degree in three years by taking summer classes. They tend to have smaller enrollment so you can get more individual help if you need it and since you aren't taking a full course load you can focus more.

    I worked full time during the summers as well, part time during the regular semesters. I still had time to for other activities in the summer. Too much time occasionally!

    I struggled with the math requirements too! I feel your pain! My hubby can do complicated calculations in his head; I need a calculator to make change sometimes! Good luck in your course!
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