I finally got around to a formal introduction. I am a regular visitor of this site since 2 years and registered user since a coupleof months.
My user name mbsmum comes from my 2 RB furrboys. Mr.Mishkin (tabby) was 18 years old when I lost him to kidney cancer.Bagheera was 15 years old, he had epithielial cancer in the mouth. I lost both of them within 6 months.

Last september I got 2 furrgirls from a local cat shelter. Ms.Kaveri ( ca 5yrs.) is a heavy weight calico with a big I really mean big spay pouch. Ms. Shiela (4yrs.)is petite black with a much smaller spay pouch.Both of them are neither lap nor very cuddlers. I have to accept them as they are and spoil them rotten.
I live in Zürich in Switzerland, it is the biggest city in this country with a population of about 350'000. I live in the city with a small garden for the cats. I took early retirement in the beginning of this year, I worked as a biologist in a pharmaceutical company in Basle. Main main hobby is historical dancing ( 14th to 19th century). I attend regular classes and also have period costumes.
This is very lovely website and I love reading pettalk ( i got lot of useful information)If there is anything else you would like to know, please just ask.

"Behind every successful man there is a woman, behind every successful woman there is a cat"