Hi Cassie,
I'm sorry to hear that your Meowmie is sick. A few weeks ago my Meowmie was sick like that too, a respertory infection. She was koffing all the time and her throat was so sore she couldn't swallow anything. Her doctor gave her two kinds of medicine, one was some kind of pills and the other was koff syrup. I don't know what was in her medicine but she'd take the koff stuff then fall asleep for what seemed like a long time - yup, she slept a whole lot. It took about 2 weeks before she got better and was able to go back to work even though I liked it better when she was home and we could snuggle. All I can say is keep on doing the kitty nurse thing so she gets better quick and in a hurry.

Dear Auntie Elyse,
I'm so sorry to hear from Cassie that you're sick. Have you been to your whitecoat's? Please get better soon, Cassie is worried about you. Be sure to take your medicine so you can get better. I'm sending you lots of feel better headbumpies and kitty hugs

Your friend,