Well, it's all set for next Wednesday. I've got my cryo-pac shoulder harness with a blue "cold pack". I've been talking to a friend who had the same thing done. She's given me pointers on what to expect, and to make sure I ask the anesthesiologist to do a "pain block" before I leave the OR which lasts up to 24 hours.

To say I'm NOT nervous would be a lie. While my knee surgery was a piece of cake, my friend said to expect pain. My son in law will be driving me to the hospital and picking me up. I'll be staying at my friend Carol's house (she's a nurse and insisted for at least a couple days) so I won't be alone. I highly doubt I'll be able to get the harness on by myself. My oldie but goodies Bartie and Elan will be going to my friend Nancy's house while I'm at Carol's. She'll medicate them and make sure they're comfortable. My other cats will be fine. My neighbor will look in on them while I'm gone.