Congrats on the possible job!!
I also agree 100% with what Ellie posted. She said EXACTLY what I was going to say. Also, my niece just turned 22 last week and she has only kinda had one boyfriend, for about a month. She is in no rush to "find someone" and is just being happy in her life with herself. She recently moved out on her own and she is at a great place in life. But her life goals are to get married and have a family.............eventually. I just hope she doesn't take after her aunt. I'm almost 40 and never been married, no children. BUT I have been with the most wonderful man for almost 10 years and couldn't imagine my life without him. I am happy and that's all that matters.
Find happiness within yourself first (and I'm not saying you aren't already). A relationship does not have to be your only happiness.
I think you are a very smart girl, Alyssa. And I know you are beautiful. So just relax and enjoy life.