A Facebook friend who is also a nurse suggested a while ago to ask my doctors to have me tested for this. It's a genetic disorder of the connective tissue, more precisely, of the collagen in the connective tissue. Some of the symptoms are a hypermobility of the joints (which I have), constant luxations and subluxations of various joints (I'm dealing with this all the time in my back!), kyphoscoliosis (which I have) and being prone to disc hernias (I already has several of them). It could also be responsible for the motility disorder of my bowels (which turned my life into hell on Earth) and the diverticulosis that I'm dealing with. So-called mouches volantes (eye floaters) are also a symptom of this disease, and so is the chronic venous insufficiency as well some other conditions such as fatigue, exhaustion, insomnia, etc... I'm dealing with all of this! There are 10 different types of this disease, and not all display the extreme elasticity of the skin which is so typical for Ehlers-Danlos (however, I've been told many times that my skin coped unusually well with the weight loss of 88 pounds a few years ago, which could have been another sign that something is wrong with my connective tissue).

Even though I'm already dealing with other chronic diseases (Hashimoto's and a pituitary gland tumor), I always had the feeling there was still more than that, so Ehlers-Danlos could be the answer. My doctor, after doing some reseach on this rare condition, came to the same conclusion, and sent me to a dermatologist who took a biopsy on Thursday. Right now, the tissue is at the lab and I'm waiting for the result. Ehlers-Danlos would in fact explain a lot, on the other hand, there is no cure for it, and the fact that there is a high risk of developing cardiovascular problems such as a ruptured aorta is not so great. Well, we'll see, but if the test confirms Ehlers-Danlos, I need to see a cardiologist as soon as possible.

BTW, my disability pension has now been extended to August 2015, for the time being. By the end of November, I'll go to hospital. It's an orthopedic clinic where they'll try to find out if there's more that can be done for my back. I will probably have to stay for a week and a half; and I hate leaving Luna and Lily alone. But it needs to be done.