Just wanted to say hi. Hope you all remember me and my feathered friends, Popcorn and Muffin!

Gosh it's been so long since I logged onto pt. Life has been busy, but good. Our children are growing fast. They keep me so busy, and that's a good thing! I have never had such an easy time falling asleep at night in my life! Lol!

Baby M has grown into a goofy little boy who loves to crack jokes with everything! He is a happy little boy with a great sense of humor, loves to talk, and surprises us everyday with the things he has to say. He will be turning 3 end of December. Where does the time go? He's such a wonderful child and I often wonder what I ever did without him. oh yeah, I spent my day here! Lol!

Baby girl is already 7 months old! She is such a precious, happy, easy going baby. She can now sit unassisted, crawls like a pro, and is starting to pull up to stand on everything! She started sleeping 12 hours through the night at 2 months, so she's been really easy in the sleep department. Hope she stays that way. Still no teeth. I love her gummy grin. She loves her big brother and he loves her. It's so cute watching them play together.

Both babies have brought such joy to our lives. I can't imagine life without them. They keep us soooo busy, but they have filled our hearts with a happiness we never knew existed. I love being a mom.

Popcorn and Muffin are doing great. They've adjusted well to having the little ones around, and are finally getting used to little hands. Little M is very gentle with them. The baby flaps her arms and squeals every time he sees them. I just know she is going to be an animal lover, just like her brother.

Anyway, just thought I'd say hi and update you all on my life. I no longer have the time or desire to sit online all day, but I do sometimes remember those days...when we'd all post like crazy here. Then some of us grew up and got busy, others vanished, others moved on, and things changed...hopefully for the est for everyone! Hope you're all doing great!