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Thread: Cocker Spaniel with Allergies - Advise Please

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    USA - Michigan

    Cocker Spaniel with Allergies - Advise Please


    I have a two-year-old female Cocker Spaniel who has numerous environmental and food allergies. We have had her tested and a month ago started her on allergy injections. However, the injections actually seem to be make her symptoms worse. She is constantly biting her feet. The vet has prescribed several different medications to help, but nothing seems to work.

    Has anyone had this type of experience with the injections and will it pass once she becomes desensitized to what she is allergic to?

    I feel like I am making her symptoms worse with the allergy injections.

    Thank you for any input.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Methuen, MA; USA
    I am so sad for you and the pup reading about this. I don't have any ideas. I have one cat Bobby who had allergy tests and injections. I gave them to him here at home, for one year, and he has been fine ever since, for 5 years now. But I know we did not have any issues as we started the shots!

    Paws crossed this effect is short term and things work out. Maybe some others on here will have advice for you.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    It does take time for the injections to work, sadly. And they do not always work 100% even after time, it varies from person to person, or dog to dog. All I can suggest is doing whatever you can to limit her exposure to things you know are causing reactions.
    I've Been Frosted

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Cincinnati, Ohio USA
    I am not a vet. BUT (LOL), this is what I was told by my wonderful holistic vet, and it makes sense to my small brain.

    Imagine a line, just like this______________________________________.

    Now, look at this:



    My dog has allergies- most likely environmental and food related. I didn't have the testing done to confirm what he has. The vet explained it to me that ALL the time, my dog has allergies. And, underneath the line, we are probably dealing with food related ones, and above the line, we are dealing with food related (still) AND seasonal allergies. When he crosses the line, it is usually cause his body just can't handle it all together. So, since I can't eliminate seasonal/external allergies, I focus on where that line is. I keep him on a limited ingredient food- including snacks/treats/table food. Top allergens- beef and chicken, and various grains. So, I have him on the lowest allergen- fish (and sweet potato). That keeps him beneath the line more than if I had him on beef and wheat food, for instance.

    Then, for external/seasonal? I have him on one tab one time a day of claritin. I actually use Walitin...Walgreens generic formula.

    How does it all work? Well, in high times of seasonal allergies, he still itches- somewhat. If I have given him a lot of junk- and not been careful with what I am feeding him, AND it is high allergen time? He gets itchy, more. But, overall? It is a relatively easy, financially affordable, situation.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    USA - Michigan

    Reply to Cataholic

    Thank you so much for your response. What you said makes alot of sense. We have had Sophie tested for environmental and food allergies. She does not have any allergies to chicken or beef (we couldn't believe that one), but is allergic to pork, lamb, dairy, eggs, and numerous other foods that I can't remember. We have her on a fish and sweet potatoe food that we purchase from our vet (at a cost of $90 bag).

    She has a high allergy to ragwood and grasses. Tough to be a dog and be allergic to grass.

    I will be on my way to purchase Claritan. I hope this helps her. It's tough to watch her bite constantly. Not to mention, it gets on my nerves as well.

    Thanks again.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    Wylie, Texas USA
    My Chester is now 14 and we have dealt with allergies his whole life. Over the years we've done allergy injections like you're trying now, steroids, antihistamines (I can think of at least 5 different ones), steroid/antihistamine combos, holistics, even acupuncture. He's been on every food you could possibly imagine that didn't contain beef, chicken, lamb or turkey. We've seen a VERY expensive allergy specialist near Dallas and many, many, many 'regular' vets. FINALLY about a year and a half ago our awesome new vet suggested we try Atopica.

    BAM!! After having bloody paws for so many years (and I don't just mean red or irritated, I came home one day to a completely degloved paw up to the elbow) we have NOTHING. Every once in a while he has a bit of chewing, but I don't think it's anything more than some normal itchies.

    We did the prescription foods for a short time, but then finally settled on Natural Balance Limited Ingredient Diet Fish & Sweet Potato. We occasionally throw caution to the wind and feed him the Venison and Sweet Potato in the same brand. Both are 100% grain free, which I was surprised to realize was a large portion of Chester's issues, too. (That never showed up on any tests, but I saw a difference immediately)

    There have been a few times, like that degloving incident, that I almost euthanized him because I felt that all he did was suffer constantly, for YEARS.

    All that to say don't give up. There is a workable solution out there for your baby. Who knows, maybe ask about Atopica and see how it works? It's pricey, but as you know, if it works it's worth it's weight in gold. I would give anything to have had this sooner, but at least I have it now.

    Best of luck and let me know if you have any questions. I have years of experiences both good and bad, and understand the stress of your situation.


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