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Thread: help....stiffness of joints after getting spayed - is this normal?

  1. #16
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    St. Louis, Missouri
    You don't have to be perfect with giving the meds every 12 hours. We tell clients "if you feed them twice a day, give them meds with breakfast and dinner". Sometimes that is 12 hours apart, but some times it isn't. And that's ok.

    What meds is she currently on? I wouldn't let the paw licking go TOO long because they can get problems secondary from licking or scratching so much, like skin (staph) infections, yeast infections between their toes, or hot spots... then they lick cause they're irritated... and they're irritated cause they lick... its a vicious cycle.


  2. #17
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    fungal / bacterial infection

    Quote Originally Posted by Jannie View Post
    well i got some lamb and rice dog food tonight we shall see if that helps....if she will just stop the feet licking i will feel like we r making progress lol.....she actually tried playing tonight b4 she went back to her bed....also trying to keep her meds on a consistent every 12 hours apart she has about 3 days left of meds and if she isn't better by then i will be taking her back to the vet....
    Well...I did wind up having to take Annie back to the vet and they checked her again because she was looking worse they say fungal/ bacterial infection more than likely from dirty utensils used when she got spayed. I know the 1st visit they said it looked like steph infection....I just know this has been going on since about 1 to 2 weeks after her surgery back in September. She is doing MUCH better (still on medication 2 times daily and medicated bath 3 times a week) hopefully her hair grows back quickly cause she looks like a mutt lol but she is eating, playing back like her old self...

  3. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jessika View Post
    You don't have to be perfect with giving the meds every 12 hours. We tell clients "if you feed them twice a day, give them meds with breakfast and dinner". Sometimes that is 12 hours apart, but some times it isn't. And that's ok.

    What meds is she currently on? I wouldn't let the paw licking go TOO long because they can get problems secondary from licking or scratching so much, like skin (staph) infections, yeast infections between their toes, or hot spots... then they lick cause they're irritated... and they're irritated cause they lick... its a vicious cycle.
    Annie is on Ketoconazole....but she has stopped the paw licking and biting herself since she got the last steriod shot and started this medication 2 times daily and medicated bath 3 times a week..... She is doing MUCH better hopefully her hair grows back quickly cause she looks like a mutt lol but she is eating, playing back like her old self...

  4. #19
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    St. Louis, Missouri
    Quote Originally Posted by Jannie View Post
    Annie is on Ketoconazole....but she has stopped the paw licking and biting herself since she got the last steriod shot and started this medication 2 times daily and medicated bath 3 times a week..... She is doing MUCH better hopefully her hair grows back quickly cause she looks like a mutt lol but she is eating, playing back like her old self...
    Ketoconazole is typically only given once a day and is an antifungal for stuff like yeast infections... Glad to see she has stopped the paw licking (which can very commonly be from a yeast infection between her toes). Sorry to hear though that the clinic may have used unsterile equipment that is causing your problems!! That would greatly concern me


  5. #20
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    yeah we talked with the vet...

    Quote Originally Posted by Jessika View Post
    Ketoconazole is typically only given once a day and is an antifungal for stuff like yeast infections... Glad to see she has stopped the paw licking (which can very commonly be from a yeast infection between her toes). Sorry to hear though that the clinic may have used unsterile equipment that is causing your problems!! That would greatly concern me
    talked to the vet and HE says it wasn't his clinic that caused it...that Annie must have had a low immune system and it had to be my fault that maybe some germs she may have got in the wound when she came home...All I know is when I took Annie she never had ANY issues she was a perfectly healthy happy puppy and afterwards she started having all these problems....needless to say THEY will never get another dime of mine. And I won't be recommending their facility to any of the local people around here.

  6. #21
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    How is she doing now? Hope she's improving every day and back to her cheery self soon!

    And I agree, I would never go back to that vet, as you learned from all our posts, this is NOT a normal reaction to a dog getting spayed!
    I've Been Frosted

  7. #22
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    Up-date on Annie

    Quote Originally Posted by Karen View Post
    How is she doing now? Hope she's improving every day and back to her cheery self soon!

    And I agree, I would never go back to that vet, as you learned from all our posts, this is NOT a normal reaction to a dog getting spayed!
    I have had several other dogs spayed and NEVER experienced anything like this.....I still get mad when I look at her as she still has spots the hair is growing back in but slowly....but her ears are nice and soft again and she looks better gradually every day...she still has another week to go on her medication slowely but surely she is least she is back to herself with her begging for scraps and folling us around with her toys she wants to play again non-stop lol


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