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Thread: Dad watching TV

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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Methuen, MA; USA

    Dad watching TV

    Dad was watching TV the other night and asked me to take his photo. I couldn't get everyone to look at me, but that is Riley far left, Willy in Dad's lap, Crystal on the right. The 4 of them sat there over half an hour, lol. I see this scene regularly, though you would enjoy it.

    Aren't they great?!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Usually in my own little world...
    Very sweet. How nice for your dad to have all of those fur critters to comfort him.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    I don't know if I've ever asked... How did Crystal get her name?

    I am happy to see your dad has so much love & company. teehee. If it's like our house, he's never without either.

    I will miss you forever, my sweet Scooter Bug. You were my best friend. 9/21/1995 - 1/23/2010
    Goodbye, Oreo. Gone too soon. 4/2003 - 9/12/2011.
    Farewell & Godspeed, sweet Jadie Francine. You took a piece of my heart with you. 11/2002 - 8/8/2016
    Charlie kitty, aka: Mr. Meowy. Our home is far too silent now. 2003-6/14/2018

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Nothing like lap warmers now that the rather is getting cooler! Any more, and he'd need sideboards for his lap!
    I've Been Frosted

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Delaware, USA - The First State/Diamond State - home of The Blue Hens
    Priceless! And I see that Willy is still Daddy's Boy.
    Wolfy ~ Fuzzbutt #3
    My little dog ~ a heartbeat at my feet

    Sparky the Fuzzbutt - PT's DOTD 8/3/2010
    RIP 2/28/1999~10/9/2012
    Myndi the Fuzzbutt - Mom's DOTD - Everyday
    RIP 1/24/1996~8/9/2013
    Ellie - Mom to the Fuzzbuttz

    To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven.
    Ecclesiastes 3:1
    The clock of life is wound but once and no man has the power
    To know just when the hands will stop - on what day, or what hour.
    Now is the only time you have, so live it with a will -
    Don't wait until tomorrow - the hands may then be still.
    ~~~~true author unknown~~~~

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Methuen, MA; USA
    Quote Originally Posted by Scooter's Mom View Post
    I don't know if I've ever asked... How did Crystal get her name?
    Crystal was born feral, a litter of 4. Some neighborhood boys took 2 of the kittens - before they were even weaned - and tried to sell them to make some money. They got $15 for the black and white male, but could not sell the female. So she languished in their house. The family already had a cat, a male who is indoor / outdoor. The mom did not bother to buy kitten food, and of course the unfixed male had no use for a kitten, so the wee one spent most of her time under the sofa. My next door neighbor (InLoveWithAnimals on here, Justin in real life) knew about her and came to visit us often, saw how I treated my cats. One day -- June 25, 2005 - he showed up at my door. I thought he was coming to visit again. When I opened the door, he had his wagon with a cover over it, and he picked up and showed me this wee kitten! Then he told me the story, and said he spoke to the mom and she said he could have her. No fee, she didn't want "the thing." And he brought it to me, as planned all along! So I asked him to name her, and he said Crystal.

    Back then, she had ringworm on her head, just above the eyes. So I had to bathe her regularly, and leave the medicated shampoo on for 5 minutes (or whatever it was, I forget). So I'd wrap her in a towel and Dad would walk around holding her and talking to her, to keep her warm. She was quite underweight at this point, needless to say. I also had to phone the woman and let her know as most likely her boys had it too. She couldn't have cared less! She told me, "if you don't want her send her back." UGH! Anyway, this is how she became "Dad's cat," she really bonded with him. To this day, she flirts with him shamelessly, sleeps with him, snuggles with him, follows him around. It is very sweet to see.

    Me? I am clearly her slave and nothing more, lol.

  7. #7
    What I think is adorable is that your dad wanted his photo taken with all his friends! What fun!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA
    Oh, what sweet family photos, Sandie! All the love that is shown in them.. God bless you all.

    P.S., and we're SO glad that you got Crystal!
    I meant," said Ipslore bitterly, "what is there in this world that truly makes living worthwhile?"
    Death thought about it.
    CATS, he said eventually. CATS ARE NICE.

    -- Terry Pratchett (1948—2015), Sourcery

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Methuen, MA; USA
    Yes, he really does enjoy the pets here, lol.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Freedom View Post
    Crystal was born feral, a litter of 4. Some neighborhood boys took 2 of the kittens - before they were even weaned - and tried to sell them to make some money. They got $15 for the black and white male, but could not sell the female. So she languished in their house. The family already had a cat, a male who is indoor / outdoor. The mom did not bother to buy kitten food, and of course the unfixed male had no use for a kitten, so the wee one spent most of her time under the sofa. My next door neighbor (InLoveWithAnimals on here, Justin in real life) knew about her and came to visit us often, saw how I treated my cats. One day -- June 25, 2005 - he showed up at my door. I thought he was coming to visit again. When I opened the door, he had his wagon with a cover over it, and he picked up and showed me this wee kitten! Then he told me the story, and said he spoke to the mom and she said he could have her. No fee, she didn't want "the thing." And he brought it to me, as planned all along! So I asked him to name her, and he said Crystal.

    Back then, she had ringworm on her head, just above the eyes. So I had to bathe her regularly, and leave the medicated shampoo on for 5 minutes (or whatever it was, I forget). So I'd wrap her in a towel and Dad would walk around holding her and talking to her, to keep her warm. She was quite underweight at this point, needless to say. I also had to phone the woman and let her know as most likely her boys had it too. She couldn't have cared less! She told me, "if you don't want her send her back." UGH! Anyway, this is how she became "Dad's cat," she really bonded with him. To this day, she flirts with him shamelessly, sleeps with him, snuggles with him, follows him around. It is very sweet to see.

    Me? I am clearly her slave and nothing more, lol.
    I think the date he showed up with her is really important - it's the day before my birthday!
    I am glad you took her in. I think she was meant to be with you and meant to have her name!

    I will miss you forever, my sweet Scooter Bug. You were my best friend. 9/21/1995 - 1/23/2010
    Goodbye, Oreo. Gone too soon. 4/2003 - 9/12/2011.
    Farewell & Godspeed, sweet Jadie Francine. You took a piece of my heart with you. 11/2002 - 8/8/2016
    Charlie kitty, aka: Mr. Meowy. Our home is far too silent now. 2003-6/14/2018

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Methuen, MA; USA
    Quote Originally Posted by Scooter's Mom View Post
    I think the date he showed up with her is really important - it's the day be!fore my birthday!
    I am glad you took her in. I think she was meant to be with you and meant to have her name!
    Really? WOW! And you are the only 'other' Crystal I know, as well, ha haaa.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Litter Box, Greenville, SC
    Sweet and Precious. Pet Pile-up. Been there many times.

    that story about Crystal is lovely. Good on your neighbor, too.
    Meowmie to Lucy Lou and Barney, and Aunt to Timmy (RIP)

    Former kitties now in foster care: Nellie aka Eleanor van Fluffytail (at a Cat Cafe), Lady Jane Grey, Bob the Bobtail, and Callie. Kimi has been adopted into another family that understands Siamese. HRH Oliver Woodrow von Katz is in a Sanctuary.

    I'm Homeless, but with resources, and learning to live again.

    RIP Timmy (nephew kitty) May 17, 2018, Mr. Spunky (May 10, 2017), Samwise (Dec 2, 2014), Emily (Oct 8, 2013), Rose (Sept 24, 2001), Maggie (Fall 2003)

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Methuen, MA; USA
    Thanks everyone. I keep reading all the comments to Dad, lol.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Litter Box, Greenville, SC
    I meant to add this earlier. My brother's cat Louie is bonded to him. He was 2 weeks when found and hand fed by he and mom for a week or more before he began drinking out of a bottle cap. Anyway, he was hand-raised my Mom and Bro and so has a big attachment to Bro. Louie has one of Mom's blankets that he slept on, his woobie, and Joe has never washed it since Mom's passing. Louie loves his woobie.

    I have no clue of the derivation of "woobie".
    Meowmie to Lucy Lou and Barney, and Aunt to Timmy (RIP)

    Former kitties now in foster care: Nellie aka Eleanor van Fluffytail (at a Cat Cafe), Lady Jane Grey, Bob the Bobtail, and Callie. Kimi has been adopted into another family that understands Siamese. HRH Oliver Woodrow von Katz is in a Sanctuary.

    I'm Homeless, but with resources, and learning to live again.

    RIP Timmy (nephew kitty) May 17, 2018, Mr. Spunky (May 10, 2017), Samwise (Dec 2, 2014), Emily (Oct 8, 2013), Rose (Sept 24, 2001), Maggie (Fall 2003)

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Copenhagen, Denmark - GMT+1
    What sweet pictures! No need for a blanket.

    "I don't know which weapons will be used in the third World war, but in the fourth, it will be sticks and stones" --- Albert Einstein.


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