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Thread: Yikes, a new lump on Jasper!

  1. #1

    Yikes, a new lump on Jasper!

    I was petting Jasper last night and I felt something on the outside of his right thigh that wasn't right. Sure enough, it felt different than the left thigh.

    It took me a few minutes to isolate the lump because it's so small (not quite pea-sized), but I did eventually find it. It is beneath the skin, and mobile, but feels different from most lipomas I've felt. Maybe that's just because it's so small? Hopefully that's the case and it's just another lipoma. He's got one the size of a quarter over his ribcage, I've been waiting for his next dental cleaning to have it removed.

    We're headed to the vet in a few hours for a biopsy. Send us some good vibes for something nice and harmless please!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Aww, lumpy puppy! Hope it's harmless, we'll keep him in our prayers!
    I've Been Frosted

  3. #3
    Well I feel sheepish! Jasper had a rabies vaccine a couple of weeks ago and the little nodule is where the vaccine was given. It will go away on its own. Ah well, better safe than sorry.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Windham, Vermont, USA
    Quote Originally Posted by snakemama View Post
    Well I feel sheepish! Jasper had a rabies vaccine a couple of weeks ago and the little nodule is where the vaccine was given. It will go away on its own. Ah well, better safe than sorry.
    Aww, that's okay! Glad you remembered! Silly momma, give Jasper a hug from me!
    I've Been Frosted

  5. #5
    LoL yes, that was the shortest vet visit ever.

    *Vet palpates Jasper's leg*

    *Vet glances at chart*

    Dr R: "Well, we just vaccinated him in this very spot, so I think this is a simple vaccine reaction...if it doesn't go away in two weeks, call me again."

    Me: "Oh....yeah, I should have remembered to you later!"

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Too be honest, I would probably be mortified, but then again I am so socially awkward it's painful! Definitely better to be safe than sorry, I don't believe for a second that hasn't happened before

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Rather safe than sorry...although that would definitely embarrass me
    Owned by my baby and heart-dog Lolli.

    If each pet we love takes a part of our heart and replaces it with a part of theirs, my heart is a very strange collection of pieces, but I wouldn't have it any other way

    Some people believe holding on and hanging in there are signs of great strength. However, there are times when it takes much more strength to know when to let go, and then do it. --Ann Landers

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    Done the same thing - vet said same thing - oh, well.

  9. #9
    Hee hee, I was a little flustered, but I'd much rather be the person who brings their dog in when nothing is wrong than the person who waits until the dog is in terrible shape before bringing them in to be seen!


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