I'm afraid the news is not good, and he is probably at the end of this journey, and ready to start on the next. His breathing is labored and he hardly has enough energy left to even cough. He has stopped eating and even refuses his favorite treats and my cereal. He's so weak that I had to carry him up and down the steps to go outside this morning - then all he did was pee and sit down - wouldn't even walk back to the porch.

His vet isn't in today, but I'm going to call the office to get an appointment to take him in tomorrow. I believe that all doc will tell me is that there is nothing more we can do and that I need to let him go. Of course I already know that, and I even told Sparky it was okay to go - that my heart will be broken - but I will be okay in time. I've prayed that he would just go to sleep and pass on peacefully, but I don't know that will happen. I so hate to have to make that final trip to the vet - not so much for me - but for Sparky. I just don't want him to be frightened even tho I will be with him.

So that's where things stand right now - thought I would let you know. Got to go - I just can't stop crying...