I've been thinking about this for a while but don't really have anyone to talk to about it. I don't really talk to any of my friends anymore because they never invite me anywhere and post pictures on FB of everyone else hanging out but me. They talk about other friends behind their backs and frequently say how annoying it is when one friend talks about her dog all the time. They obviously aren't pet people. They also didn't even call me to see if I was ok after I lost Josie and my cat, Kiba. They were my life, and I loved them more then anything. I lost them with in 2 months of each other and it was almost unbearable. I didn't think I'd love another dog. I just thought even if they weren't big animal people they'd still understand? One friend lost her cat and was upset for 1 day then was perfectly fine and didn't care anymore. I lost both my girls over a year ago and my heart still aches.

I can't even begin to tell you how thankful I am for my sweet Clover. I don't know where I'd be without her. I don't even talk about her much to my friends cause I know they don't care, but sometimes I wish I had someone who I could share stories with that actually cares. Like how silly she is. She makes me laugh every day. For example, she hates the rain. I let her out to pee this morning (pouring rain) and she didn't like it so she hid her head under the BBQ to keep it dry and just sat there looking very pathetic and cute. I love how she's still very much a pup. She loves to play with her toys and be goofy and run around like crazy. She can always make me smile and be happy no matter how depressed I am. I'm so thankful for her. I'm kinda afraid that by speaking this out loud it will some how cause some negative effect :/

Anyway I know this is a silly thread. I just really needed to share with people who know how much a dog can mean to someone. I feel bad for people who don't have dogs or don't know how much love and happiness they can bring into your life. I love my girl so much

I've been working in blueberry fields for a couple weeks now. I've been taking her with me for company. (she loves blueberries btw) I have a bunch of pictures I'll show later. They keep the berries in big 60 lb bins (weigh about 300-400 lbs once filled with berries) They're pretty big. 2 were stacked up on top of each other and Clover put her front paws up on them but couldn't reach her mouth in to get anything...so she decided to jump all the way into the bin and help herself I couldn't help but laugh but I'm glad no one saw because I'm sure I'd be in trouble for that I think one of the workers is afraid of dogs. He keeps asking if she'd bite. She's really friendly though. But he said her eyes look mean. Never heard that one before!

Anyway thanks for reading to my boring story I'm just glad someone out there understands how much she means to me! I wish I had friends around here who loved dogs as much.