Drew Carey did something good after an ice bucket challenge went terribly wrong... (source: Fox 8, Cleveland Web site, but I heard it on the news here in Chicago.)

BAY VILLAGE, Ohio — Drew Carey has weighed in on social media after a Bay Village boy with autism was bullied on video.

Carey, who was born and raised in Cleveland, also offered up $10,000 as either a reward or a donation to Autism Speaks after hearing about the prank.

Video of the bullying first aired on Fox 8 News Wednesday at the request of the 15-year-old victim’s parents. The parents wanted people to see the cruel prank they say high school students pulled on their son.

They said their son thought he was taking the ice bucket challenge to raise money for ALS research, but instead high school students dumped a bucket of human waste and cigarette butts on him.

The prank has sparked outrage in Northeast Ohio and even across the country.

Carey tweeted after seeing the story Friday. He called it “horrendous” and said “These kids should be arrested and expelled.”

He also tweeted that he would donate $10,000 to start a reward fund or give the money to the Autism Speaks organization.